Film Club A2+ (Tallinn)

The Estonian Language House Film Club is a monthly series of film nights which introduce exciting Estonian films to the audience. All films are screened in Estonian with Estonian subtitles.

Every evening, another example of a genre in the Estonian film scene is presented – we are going to watch comedies, action films, and dramas. In addition to watching the films, we are going to discuss film plots and share our thoughts. 

  • Min. language level required: A2+
  • Time: 12.04 from 17.30-20.00
  • Place: Tallinn Estonian Language House (Rävala 5, Tallinn)
  • No of participants: 30

Teachers: Margit Raias and Kadri Raigo

Registration: (29.03 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Let’s sing together A1+ (Klooga)

We are going to sing Estonian songs from various genres, learn about the Estonian culture, and practice Estonian.

By singing together, we are going to learn Estonian folk songs, runic songs, pop songs, and learn about Estonian culture. Through the songs, we will learn Estonian vocabulary and pronunciation, have more confidence when speaking, and find new friends. From time to time, we will also play various interactive games and have quizzes.

  • Language level: A1+
  • Place: Aedlinna tee 3, Klooga
  • Time: 12.04 at 10.00-11.30 
  • No of participants: 20

Organised by: Anu Grete Oder; Inna Baranova

Registration: (30.03 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Mängula B1-B2 (Zoom)

Mängula is an online Estonian language game event for all the foreigners who want to learn Estonian in a playful manner.

We gather once a month to play games that are designed for the Estonian language learners. In Mängula, the participants can practice Estonian in a fun way and meet the other Estonian language students around to world.

The organizer Riina Roasto is an Estonian language teacher, translator and a PhD student in Finno-Ugristics at the University of Vienna. Throughout the years of teaching Estonian in various universities and language schools in Estonia, Ukraine, Germany and France, she has discovered the advantage of using language games in the classroom. While introducing Estonian to foreigners, Riina has designed a great number of language games to ease the learning process and help the students to progress, while having fun. Currently, she is lecturing in Estonian Language and Culture at the INALCO University in Paris.

  • Min. language level required: average level group B1-B2 
  • Time: 12.04 at 18.00-19.00 
  • Place: Zoom
  • No of participants: 12

Contact person: Riina Roasto

Registration: (06.04 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Mängula A2-B1 (Zoom)

Mängula is an online Estonian language game event for all the foreigners who want to learn Estonian in a playful manner.

We gather once a month to play games that are designed for the Estonian language learners. In Mängula, the participants can practice Estonian in a fun way and meet the other Estonian language students around to world.

The organizer Riina Roasto is an Estonian language teacher, translator and a PhD student in Finno-Ugristics at the University of Vienna. Throughout the years of teaching Estonian in various universities and language schools in Estonia, Ukraine, Germany and France, she has discovered the advantage of using language games in the classroom. While introducing Estonian to foreigners, Riina has designed a great number of language games to ease the learning process and help the students to progress, while having fun. Currently, she is lecturing in Estonian Language and Culture at the INALCO University in Paris.

  • Min. language level required: average level group A2-B1 
  • Time: 12.04 at 17.00-18.00 
  • Place: Zoom
  • No of participants: 12

Contact person: Riina Roasto

Registration: (06.04 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


Anyone who wants to practise Estonian and try their hand at different recipes in good company is welcome to join our Cooking Club!

We will cover topics ranging from table manners to teaching how to barbecue. Each meeting will have its own theme – for example, we will learn how many different dishes can be made from fish or how to make a festive snack that is good enough to be served at a presidential reception.

  • Language level: B1+ 
  • Time: 20.04 from 18.00-20.00 
  • Location: Manufaktuur Restaurant of the Ida-Virumaa Vocational Education Centre (Kreenholmi 45, Narva)
  • Hosts: Julia Viirsalu, Urmas Murumäe
  • No of participants: 16

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Let’s sing together A1+ (Paldiski)

We are going to sing Estonian songs from various genres, learn about the Estonian culture, and practice Estonian.

By singing together, we are going to learn Estonian folk songs, runic songs, pop songs, and learn about Estonian culture. Through the songs, we will learn Estonian vocabulary and pronunciation, have more confidence when speaking, and find new friends. From time to time, we will also play various interactive games and have quizzes.

  • Language level: A1+
  • Place: Rae 38 (5th floor), Paldiski
  • Time: 11.04 at 18.30-20.00 
  • No of participants: 20

Organised by: Anu Grete Oder; Inna Baranova

Registration: (28.03 at 9.00)

NB! Registreerimine sündmustele toimub läbi Integratsiooni Sihtasutuse iseteeninduse, kuhu saate siseneda ID-kaardi, Mobiil-ID või Smart-ID abil. Palun tutvuge iseteeninduse kasutusjuhendiga:

Communication Club ‘Interesting School’ B1+ (Paldiski)

Avatud vestlusring kõigile, kes on huvitatud koolielu küsimuste arutamisest eesti keeles.

An open Communication Club for everyone who is interested in discussing the topics of school life.

We discuss how we shape an interesting school in a whirlwind of changes and conflicts, and find cooperation opportunities.

We will focus on the different aspects of school life.

  • Language level: B1-B2
  • Time: 11.04 at 15.00-16.30
  • Location: Paldiski Russian Basic School (Peetri 26, Paldiski)
  • No of participants: 16

Instructor: Tatjana Tabakina

Registration: (05.04 at 9.00)

NB! Registreerimine sündmustele toimub läbi Integratsiooni Sihtasutuse iseteeninduse, kuhu saate siseneda ID-kaardi, Mobiil-ID või Smart-ID abil. Palun tutvuge iseteeninduse kasutusjuhendiga:

Accessory-making workshop B1+ (Pärnu)

A fun accessory-making workshop for adults. Under the guidance of a designer, you will create a unique Pea Peenar accessory – either a headdress or a bow tie.

During these hands-on activities, participants can develop their skills of listening (instruction in Estonian), speaking (asking questions, exchanging ideas) in Estonian. The activity is also suitable for more courageous language learners at the A2 level.

  • Language level: B1+
  • Time: 08.04 at 12.00-14.00
  • Location: Pärnu Maarja-Magdaleena Gild (Uus 5, Pärnu)
  • No of participants: 12

Organised by: Silja Joon (

Registration: (25.03 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Cooking club A2+ (Tallinn)

We’ll cook together, sharing skills, tips and recipes, then set the table, sit down and enjoy the food we’ve made.

At the end of each class we’ll summarise what we’ve learnt in Estonian in terms of both new words and about cooking itself. We’ll discuss what we found difficult and what exciting new discoveries we made.

The classes will be all about socialising, which will take place entirely in Estonian.

Participants should bring their own aprons.

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 08.03 from 13.30-16.30
  • Location: Estonia pst 5a, Tallinn (Tallinna Rahvaülikool, entrance from the courtyard)
  • No of participants: 12

Contact person: Mari Taalmann

Registration: (25.03 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

The Joys of Communication B1+ (Rummu)

The Social Club is a series of activities contributing to the Estonian language learning of adults whose mother tongue is other than Estonian, and it takes place from January to December of 2023.

It is meant for those who want to practice Estonian in a playful manner.

The Social Club, which meets in the hall of Lääne-Harju Library, brings together people from various cultural backgrounds who would like to practice Estonian in a pleasant and friendly setting. The club is a place to get acquainted with one another, have conversations with the help of various forms of communication, play fun team games, and exchange information.

  • Language level: B1 
  • Time: 06.04 at 13.00-14.30
  • Location: Aia 9a, Rummu
  • No of participants: 12

Organised by: Urve Luht

Registration: (31.03 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: