Cooking class: Turkish food (Pärnu)

We are going to talk about Turkish culture and everyday life and prepare Turkish food together.

Turkish cuisine combines the traditions of many Asian and Caucasian nations and is considered one of the best in the Mediterranean region. The selection of dishes is wide and the food is healthy. According to many experts, Turkish cuisine is one of the most balanced in the world when it comes to using seasonings.

Turkish people prepare their meals with enthusiasm, feeling, and dedication. They take their time when preparing a meal and always use fresh ingredients, herbs, and spices. Communication takes place in Estonian.

  • Language level: A2
  • Time: 26.11 from 12.00-15.00
  • Location: we are going to meet at a training kitchen in Pärnu, Kooli 6b
  • No of participants: 12

Contact person: Silja Joon
Registration: (15.11 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Friday in Library (Paldiski)

Friday in Library is a social club which brings together people from different cultural backgrounds who want to practice Estonian in a pleasant and welcoming setting.

The club is a place to get acquainted with one another, have conversations with the help of various forms of communication, play fun team games, and exchange information.

The Friday in Library events are meant for those who are still learning Estonian and who want to practice it in a playful manner. The events take place from September until December.

  • Language level: B1
  • Time: 18.11 from 15.00-18.00
  • Location: Lääne-Harju Library, conference room on the ground floor (Rae 38, Paldiski)
  • No of participants: 16

Organised by: Valeria Siminko and Urve Luht

Registration: (11.11 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

Lembit Saarsalu and Estonian music (Klooga)

We are going to meet musician Lembit Saarsalu who is an Estonian saxophonist, bandleader, and composer.  

Lembit Saarsalu has been called the King of Saxophone and is considered the calling card of Estonian jazz. We will listen to Saarsalu performing and learn about Estonian music.

  • Language level: A1+
  • Time: 24.11 from 15.00-20.00
  • Location: Klooga Building of Lääne-Harju Cultural Centre (Aedlinna tee 3, Klooga)
  • No of participants: 20

Organised by: Valeria Siminko and Tiina Mets
Registration: (10.11 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

History of the Estonian language school (trip from Paldiski)

Visiting various significant historical places, enriching the Estonian language with new vocabulary, and listening to and making sense of historical texts.

Birthplace of Forselius – the ruins of the old clergy house in Harju-Madise, watching a film about Forselius, a memorial stone for Forselius, and a visit to the church in Harju-Madise. The first schools in Risti and Padise, memorial stones for the first alphabet book and the first Estonian-language school in Harju-Madise and Risti. Discussion in Kallaste Adventure Farm (former Forselius School – Padise-Aruküla Rural Municipality School). Vasalemma Manor and School. Memorial stone for Julius Oengo (Oro).

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 12.11 from 11.00-14.30
  • Departure: bus from Paldiski, in front of Pakri Plaza at 10.50 (Rae 38, Paldiski)

Registration: (05.11 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


Let’s sing together! (Paldiski)

We are going to sing Estonian songs from various genres, learn about the Estonian culture, and practice Estonian.

By singing together, we are going to learn Estonian folk songs, runic songs, pop songs, and learn about Estonian culture. Through the songs, we will learn Estonian vocabulary and pronunciation, have more confidence when speaking, and find new friends. From time to time, we will also play various interactive games and have quizzes.

  • Language level: A1, A2
  • Time: 19.11 at 14:00 - 15:30
  • Place: Hall of Paldiski Gymnasium (Rae 56, Paldiski)
  • No of participants: 35

Organised by: Valeria Siminko, Inna Baranova, and Anu Grete Oder
Registration: (05.11 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


Church Friday – St. Mary’s Cathedral (Tallinn)

Church Friday is a series of events which support Estonian language learning for adults whose first language is not Estonian. In the course of the series, we will visit the churches of Tallinn with a tour guide and practice Estonian.

During the series, we will visit various churches in Tallinn (such as St. Nicholas’ Church (Tallinna Niguliste kirik) and Museum, St. Mary’s Cathedral (Tallinna toomkirik), St. John’s Church (Jaani kirik), Charles’s Church (Kaarli kirik), St Michael’s Church (Tallinna Rootsi-Mihkli kirik) once a month, including a guided tour. The tours are in Estonian. After the tour, the participants can explore the churches on their own. Church Friday takes place once a month on Fridays: on 23 September, 21 October, 18 November, and 16 December.

The cathedral was first mentioned in written records in 1219. The cathedral holds the largest collection of gravestones, epitaphs, sarcophagi, grave monuments, and epitaph coats of arms in Estonia, dating from thirteenth to eighteenth centuries. The most famous persons buried in the cathedral are Swedish Commander Pontus De la Gardie and his wife; Sophia Gyllenhelm, daughter of the King John III of Sweden; Admiral Samuel Greigh; and Admiral Adam Johan von Krusenstern, who led the first Russian circumnavigation. The pulpit and the altar are the works of Christian Ackermann, one of the most well-known Estonian wood carvers of the seventeenth century.

One tour lasts up to 1.5 hours. The size of the group is 15–25 people.

Participants can practice listening to spoken Estonian (by listening to the tour guide) and speaking Estonian (by asking questions from the guide). Visiting various churches in the course of a tour allows adults whose first language is not Estonian practice their Estonian and raises their awareness of culture and history.

  • Min. language level required: B1+
  • Time: 18.11 from 14.00-15.30
  • Location: St. Mary’s Cathedral (Toom-Kooli 6, Tallinn)
  • No of participants: 25

Teacher: Inna Arno /
Registration: (04.11 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


Friday in Library (Paldiski)

Friday in Library is a social club which brings together people from different cultural backgrounds who want to practice Estonian in a pleasant and welcoming setting.

The club is a place to get acquainted with one another, have conversations with the help of various forms of communication, play fun team games, and exchange information.

The Friday in Library events are meant for those who are still learning Estonian and who want to practice it in a playful manner. The events take place from September until December.

  • Language level: B1
  • Time: 18.11 from 15.00-18.00
  • Location: Lääne-Harju Library, conference room on the ground floor (Rae 38, Paldiski)
  • No of participants: 16

Organised by: Valeria Siminko and Urve Luht

Registration: (04.11 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


Kiviõli parents’ club (Kiviõli)

Parents whose children study in a kindergarten group or school in Estonian are invited to the meetings. We share experiences on how to support children in their studies.

The goal is to encourage parents to speak in Estonian. Every meeting focuses on one topic. Participants can discuss and collaborate in groups.

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 29.11 from 5.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
  • Location: Kiviõli School of Arts (Vabaduse 6, Kiviõli)
  • No of participants: 16

Instructor: Signe Viilop


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


Film Club (Tallinn)

The Estonian Language House Film Club is a monthly series of film nights which introduce exciting Estonian films to the audience. All films are screened in Estonian with Estonian subtitles.

Every evening, another example of a genre in the Estonian film scene is presented – we are going to watch comedies, action films, and dramas. In addition to watching the films, we are going to discuss film plots and share our thoughts. The Film Club is going to culminate with a visit to the Estonian Film Museum together with the members of the Narva Film Club!

  • Min. language level required: A2+
  • Time: 23.11 from 17.30-20.00
  • Place: Tallinn Estonian Language House (Rävala 5, Tallinn)
  • No of participants: 30

Teachers: Margit Raias and Kadri Raigo

Registration: (15.11 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


Kiviõli parents’ club (Kiviõli)

Parents whose children study in a kindergarten group or school in Estonian are invited to the meetings. We share experiences on how to support children in their studies.

The goal is to encourage parents to speak in Estonian. Every meeting focuses on one topic. Participants can discuss and collaborate in groups.

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 22.11 from 5.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
  • Location: Kiviõli School of Arts (Vabaduse 6, Kiviõli)
  • No of participants: 16

Instructor: Signe Viilop


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: