Seminar “Together or Apart: Searching for the Middle Ground” (in Narva)
Programme of the Seminar
10.30-11.00 Registration, morning coffee
11.00-11.40 Venla Bernelius (University of Helsinki, Finland) ’Living together, learning apart? Socially mixed neighbourhoods, school segregation and residential mobility in Finnish cities’
11.40-12.20 Hanno Kruse (University of Bonn, Germany) ‘Ethnic segregation in secondary schools – why is it so persistent and what can we do about it?‘
12.20-13.10 Lunch
13.10-13.50 Lena Leipe (Åre Municipality, Sweden) ‘Sustainable Integration in Åre – How we have worked to increase participation in the local community and shortened the path to employment and self-sufficiency among third-country nationals’
13.50-14.30 James Laurence (The Economic and Social Research Institute and Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) ‘Together and apart: dynamics of prejudice and social cohesion at the intersection of ethnic diversity and residential segregation’
14.30-15.00 Questions, discussion
Seminar presentations are in English, simultaneous translation is offered into Estonian and Russian. The seminar is free for participants.
Please be sure to register to participate:
The seminar is part of the program of the international integration conference "Together or Apart: Searching for the Middle Ground" organized by the Integration Foundation. Please find more information on the conference website
The event is being run by the Integration Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture. The 2022 conference is the ninth in the series. The conference is also supported by the British Council.