Pärnu Social Club (Pärnu)

Let’s meet, do some line dancing, practice Estonian, and have a cup of coffee.

We are going to be visited by line dance instructor Kaie Seger. She will hold a line dance workshop.

The Social Club, which meets in the conference hall of the Pärnu Central Library, brings together people from various cultural backgrounds who would like to practice Estonian in a pleasant and friendly setting. The Club is a place for getting acquainted with one another, playing fun team games, and exchanging information.

Having a cup of coffee goes hand-in-hand with a Saturday morning.

  • Language level: A2
  • Time: 12.11 from 12.00-14.30
  • Location: conference room of the Pärnu Central Library (Akadeemia 3, Pärnu)
  • No of participants: 20

Contact person: Silja Joon
Registration: (29.10 at 9.00) https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/11841?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

CeramESTics (Kiviõli)

A ceramics class in Estonian.

Instructor Kaie Pungas is an artist-ceramist from the Estonian Academy of Arts.

The class is perfect for language learners who are interested in ceramics and want to communicate in Estonian in a relaxed atmosphere. Estonian-speaking ceramics enthusiasts are also welcome to help the language learners.

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 03.11 from 17.15-19.15
  • Location: Kiviõli School of Arts (Vabaduse 6, Kiviõli)
  • No of participants: 6-10

Instructor: Kaie Pungas

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/11813?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus



Language Roulette invites you to practise Estonian! We meet virtually on Zoom in the format of short conversations.

We chat in Estonian for a limited time in a random group. The topics will be clarified at the meeting. A positive and free atmosphere is guaranteed.

  • Min. language level required: A2+
  • Time: 08.11 from 18.00-19.00 (logging in at 17:45)
  • Place: Zoom. The link will be sent ahead of the session to everyone registered for the event at 16.30.
  • No of participants: 40

Contact person: Ave Landrat/ Mari Taalmann

Registration: (01.11 at 9.00 - 08.11 at 16.00) https://forms.gle/ap6ovDsJTMxG7gxq9

CeramESTics (Kiviõli)

A ceramics class in Estonian.

Instructor Kaie Pungas is an artist-ceramist from the Estonian Academy of Arts.

The class is perfect for language learners who are interested in ceramics and want to communicate in Estonian in a relaxed atmosphere. Estonian-speaking ceramics enthusiasts are also welcome to help the language learners.

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 10.11 from 17.15-19.15
  • Location: Kiviõli School of Arts (Vabaduse 6, Kiviõli)
  • No of participants: 6-10

Instructor: Kaie Pungas

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/11814?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Finno-Ugric party with Mari people (Pärnu)

We are going to get to know one of the sister nations of Estonians, i.e. the Maris, and learn about their history, traditional crafts, food, music, and tales.

Estonian and Maris are people who speak Finno-Ugric languages. Although there are few Maris in Estonia, they know how to preserve their language, mentality, and national characteristics. In 2010 the number of Maris was 547,000, of whom according to the 2021 census 225 people live in Estonia (71 in Tallinn). Estonia has two registered Mari associations – one in Tartu and the other one in Tallinn.

Maris are divided into three groups: Forest Maris, Meadow Maris, and Eastern Maris. They live between the Rivers of Volga and Vetluga on the current territory of Mari El which is in the foothills of the Urals. Maris also live in a very large area on the banks of the branches of the River Volga. Some of the Maris belong in the Russian Orthodox Church; however, most of them have remained true to their native religion where prayers are delivered in holy groves. The Maris have two written languages.

At the Mari party, we will cook together, do crafts, and listen to Mari stories and songs. The event is in Estonian.

  • Language level: A2
  • Time: 05.11 from 15.00-18.00
  • Location: Pärnu Maarja-Magdaleena Gild (Uus 5, Pärnu)
  • No of participants: 20

Contact person: Silja Joon
Registration: (27.10 at 12.00) https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/11837?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Cooking club (Tallinn)

We’ll cook together, sharing skills, tips and recipes, then set the table, sit down and enjoy the food we’ve made.

At the end of each class we’ll summarise what we’ve learnt in Estonian in terms of both new words and about cooking itself. We’ll discuss what we found difficult and what exciting new discoveries we made.

The classes will be all about socialising, which will take place entirely in Estonian.

This year, the cooking classes are only open to relative beginners. Participation is on the basis of proof of vaccination. Each class will be limited to 10 participants.

Participants should bring their own aprons.

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 03.11 from 17.30-20.30
  • Location: Estonia pst 5a, Tallinn (Tallinna Rahvaülikool, entrance from the courtyard)
  • No of participants: 10

Contact person: Mari Taalmann and Eerika Ossaar
Registration: (27.10 at 12.00)  https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/11836?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Kiviõli parents’ club (Kiviõli)

Parents whose children study in a kindergarten group or school in Estonian are invited to the meetings. We share experiences on how to support children in their studies.

The goal is to encourage parents to speak in Estonian. Every meeting focuses on one topic. Participants can discuss and collaborate in groups.

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 08.11 from 5.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
  • Location: Kiviõli School of Arts (Vabaduse 6, Kiviõli)
  • No of participants: 16

Instructor: Signe Viilop

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/11823?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus 

Cultural meetings (Narva)

During the meetings, we will get to know their work and daily activities. Participants will gain new and exciting knowledge, while at the same having the rare opportunity to ask questions and contribute to the conversation.

Next guest at the culture meeting series is the director of Narva Art Residency - Johanna Rannula! Who is she and how did she end up in Narva? What is this place in Kreenholm called NART and who works there?

  • Language level: B1+
  • Time: 09.11 from 18.00-20.00
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja (Linda 2, Narva)
  • No of participants: 50

Teacher: Sandra Vellevoog

Registration: https://pesa.integratsioon.ee/service/service/view/11831?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Bobbin lace making in Estonian (Kiviõli)

Together with bobbin lace master Olga Kublitskaja and local bobbin lace enthusiast Urve Hiie, we will get to know the history of bobbin lace making and lace. We will also practice the Estonian language.

Olga Kublitskaja, an internationally known bobbin lace master and trainer, will help the participants make wonderful laces. The main purpose of the classes is to encourage the participants to speak Estonian.

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 05.11 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Location: Office of the Estonian Language House in Lüganuse rural municipality on the ground floor of the Kiviõli Health Centre (Keskpuiestee 38, Kiviõli)

Instructors: Olga Kublitskaja and local bobbin lace enthusiast Urve Hiie

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/11808?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus


Kiviõli parents’ club (Kiviõli)

Parents whose mother tongue is Russian or another language and whose children study in a kindergarten group or school in Estonian are invited to the meetings. We share experiences on how to support children in their studies.

The goal is to encourage parents to speak in Estonian. Every meeting focuses on one topic. Participants can discuss and collaborate in groups.

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 01.11 from 5.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
  • Location: Kiviõli School of Arts (Vabaduse 6, Kiviõli)
  • No of participants: 16

Instructor: Signe Viilop

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/11822?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus