Emine Cetinkaya: I enrolled in the Language Friends programme just out of curiosity, but completed it with pure joy!

The Integration Foundation launched the Language Friends programme in 2020 to provide language learners with the opportunity to continue practising language online due to the emergency situation in effect at the time. The programme got off to a good start and has continued successfully also after the end of the emergency situation. To this day, a total of 5,365 language learners have taken part in the programme. This year, the largest number of people so far – 827 learners and 810 mentors – found a language friend.

Emine Cetinkaya alustas Keelesõbra programmi lihtsalt uudishimust, aga lõpetasin tõelise õnnetundega!

Mailis Sütiste-Gnannt, an Estonian national who is a German and Estonian language teacher, freelance journalist, interpreter, and translator living in Guermantes, near Paris, France for most of the year, was a mentor to Emine Cetinkaya, a Turkish housewife living in Tallinn, for two and a half months this spring. The women kindly agreed to share with us their impressions of the journey they had together.


How did you benefit from participating in the programme and what did you like most about it?

Emine: It is always exciting to meet new people. My language partner Mailis is a wonderful person. We chatted on Skype on Tuesdays for 30–40 minutes at a time. Mailis also wrote down the words and expressions that came up during the conversation in the chat window and explained the grammar with different examples if necessary. That was particularly useful, as I now always have the option to review the words if I happen to forget something.

Mailis: I have been involved in the Language Friends programme since the beginning and this was my fifth season. It is great to help others and especially to encourage them to speak our language. My language friend Emine is warm like the sun, always cheerful and very positive. I learned a lot of interesting things about Turkish life, customs, and food. She was always happy to talk about what she is doing and share her recipes. The interviews also coincided with the Ramadan period, when she ate nothing and drank no water from sunrise to sunset. It is amazing how much willpower a person must have to do this.


What was the most challenging part for you?

Emine: The most difficult part was definitely the grammar. It is hard! Mailis explained the different rules to me over and over again and I also reviewed everything I was learning in the Estonian language course. Mailis was a great support to me!

Mailis: We did not really encounter anything too complicated. The only misunderstanding we had was not because of the language at all, but because Estonia and France have a time difference and there was a small misunderstanding about the time of our meeting.


Why should other language learners and mentors participate in the programme?

Emine: That is because we only speak Estonian here and these conversations are very practical. I wish to continue participating in the programme as well. I feel it is very necessary for me. I think the programme could be even longer; I would like to speak Estonian much more!

Mailis: It is great to contribute and help language learners of other nationalities. It is also an enriching experience for you, as you can broaden your worldview with new insights into other cultures and customs.


Do you plan to continue your conversations in the future?

Mailis: We only got to see each other in real life for the first time in the Estonian Language House in Tallinn after the official programme had ended. We took a picture together and afterwards, we sat in a café and chatted about our lives and the weather. We will definitely meet again when I come back to Estonia this summer. Emine’s firm wish is to provide us with home-made Turkish food.

Emine: The programme is not actually over for us yet. We continue to chat online every Tuesday morning, just as we did during the study period. We have probably missed the meeting only once or twice. I am really looking forward to our new meetings!



Projekt saab toetust Euroopa Sotsiaalfond+ toetusest rahastatava projekti nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus nr „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“ raames.



Narva - Lääne-Harjumaa õppereis 2025 - GROUP FULL

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Õppekeskus OÜ Peetri plats, Narva
  • Time: 18.01.2025 kell 07:00 - 19:30
  • Format: Study Trip

Külastatakse Harju-Madise kirikut, giidiga ekskursioon Arvo Pärdi Keskuses ja Keila joa ja Keila- Joa lossi külastus.

7.00 – Väljasõit Peetri plats, Narva
7.05 - Tempo bussipeatus, Narva
7.20 - Sillamäe bussijaam
7.50 - Jõhvi bussijaam
19.30 - Tagasi Narvas, Peetri plats

Lisainfo: Janus Paurmanilt e-posti aadressil januspaurman@gmail.com või telefonil 5660 4379

Õppereisid on suunatud nendele täiskasvanud inimestele, kelle emakeel ei ole eesti keel ja kes soovivad eesti keelt praktiseerida; külastada kultuuriloolisi paiku ning muuseume, etendus- jt kultuuriasutusi, mis aitavad mõista eesti kultuuri eripära ja traditsioone. Õppereisi viib läbi Õppekeskus OÜ.

Õppereisi rahastamisallikas: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/15047?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Friday in Library B1 (Paldiski)

  • Language level required: B1
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Rae 38, Paldiski linn, raamatukogu
  • Time: 17.01.2025 kell 16:00 - 16:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Friday in Library is a social club which brings together people from different cultural backgrounds who want to practice Estonian in a pleasant and welcoming setting.

The club is a place to get acquainted with one another, have conversations with the help of various forms of communication, play fun team games, and exchange information.

The Friday in Library events are meant for those who are still learning Estonian and who want to practice it in a playful manner.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/15045?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Narva - Jõgeva õppereis 2025 - GROUP FULL

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Õppekeskus OÜ Peetri plats, Narva
  • Time: 25.01.2025 kell 07:30 - 20:00
  • Format: Study Trip

Õppereisil saavad osaleda vaid täiskasvanud inimesed. Õppereisi programm: giidiga ekskursioon Jõgeva linnas (keskväljak, kultuurikeskus ja Jõgeva kirik). Palamusel Oskar Lutsu Kihelkonnakoolimuuseumi külastus ja giidiga ekskursioon muuseumis. Põltsamaa lossis külastus koos giidiga ja Roosisaare külastus.

Lisainfo: Janus Paurmanilt e-posti aadressil januspaurman@gmail.com või telefonil 5660 4379

7.30 – Väljasõit Peetri plats, Narva
7.35 - TEMPO bussipeatus
7.50 - Sillamäe bussijaam
8.20 - Jõhvi bussijaam
20.00 - Tagasi Narvas, Peetri plats

Õppereisid on suunatud nendele täiskasvanud inimestele, kelle emakeel ei ole eesti keel ja kes soovivad eesti keelt praktiseerida; külastada kultuuriloolisi paiku ning muuseume, etendus- jt kultuuriasutusi, mis aitavad mõista eesti kultuuri eripära ja traditsioone. Õppereisi viib läbi Õppekeskus OÜ.

Õppereisi rahastamisallikas: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/15018?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Tallinn - Narva A2+

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Etnoweb MTÜ G. Otsa 9 parkimispeatusest, Estonia teatri kõrval
  • Time: 25.01.2025 kell 07:45 - 20:00
  • Format: Study Trip

Narva on rikkaliku ajalooga piirilinn. Rahvaarvult Eesti kolmas linn Tallinna ja Tartu järel, mis kutsub end avastama Baltikumi ja Põhjamaade ühe võimsama kindluse ja teiste põnevate paikadega!
Päevakavas toodud tegevuste käigus õpime ja harjutame eesti keelt ning kogume kultuurielamusi.
Kontaktisik on Liia Asanova: tel 5538663

Õppereisi päevakava

Narva Muuseumi, Raekoja ja kolledži külastus, Kreenholmi ekskursioon, Narva linnaekskursioon (Vana Narva ja promenaad).

7.45 Väljasõit (Tallinnast aadressilt G. Otsa 9 parkimispeatusest, Estonia teatri kõrvalt)
12.30 Lõunapaus
20.00 Tagasi Tallinnas G. Otsa tänava parkimispeatuses
Õppereisid on suunatud inimestele, kelle emakeel ei ole eesti keel ja kes soovivad eesti keelt praktiseerida; külastada kultuuriloolisi paiku ning muuseume, etendus- jt kultuuriasutusi, mis aitavad mõista eesti kultuuri eripära ja traditsioone.

Õppereisi rahastamisallikas: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14592?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

We invite Estonian speakers to help language learners

All the native or fluent Estonian speakers are welcome to participate in the Language Friends programme to converse with language learners in Estonian as volunteer mentors. Please register by 6 February 2025 to confirm your willingness to help language learners.

‘Language learners are eager to find someone to converse with in Estonian. These conversations give learners the experience they need most – the courage to communicate in Estonian and the will to continue learning,’ said Ave Landrat, Head of the Language Friends programme and Head of Partnerships of the Integration Foundation. ‘The number of Estonian language learners is growing, which makes the support offered by Estonian speakers – communication in Estonian – even more vital,’ she added.

An Estonian language mentor’s role is to serve as a supportive conversation partner for learners looking to practice and improve their Estonian skills. To achieve this, the mentor will engage in weekly or more frequent conversations with the learner on topics of mutual interest for a period of three months (from 14 February to 14 May 2025). The conversation partners select a communication channel that works best for both (Messenger, phone, etc.).

The mentor should be a native speaker or have a very good command of Estonian and be willing to communicate with the language learner. The mentor will receive support from the Language Friends programme team, who will provide advices and materials.

The number of mentors determines the number of language learners who can participate in the Language Friends programme. Over the past five seasons, almost 2,700 mentors have participated in it. People of all ages, from all walks of life, and from many countries have contributed to the learning of the Estonian language.

Estonian language learners will be able to join the Language Friends programme from 7 February, when registration opens. The programme team will start bringing together mentors and learners on Valentine’s Day, 14 February. Language friends can communicate with each other until 14 May.

To participate as a mentor in the Language Friends programme, please register on the website of the Integration Foundation at https://integratsioon.ee/en/language-friends-program by 6 February at the latest. The website also lists information on the programme.

The Language Friends programme was initiated in 2020 by the Integration Foundation with the aim of bringing together language friends – Estonian language learners and volunteer mentors with excellent Estonian language skills – to converse in Estonian. In five years, a total of 5,365 people has taken part in the Language Friends programme.


Kellaviietee A2+ (Narva) - GROUP FULL

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja Lavretsovi tn 8, Kohvik Valge Kõrvits
  • Time: 17.01.2025 kell 17:00 - 18:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Tee aromaatne lõhn ja hõrk maitse, õdus ruum ja mõnus jutusumin koos naerupahvakutega… Kas sinagi soovid olla sellel pildil? Kui jah, siis tea, et Eesti keele maja jätkab formaadiga, mille nimi on „Kellaviietee“. Kohtume kohvikus „Valge Kõrvits“ umbes kord kuus, et vabas vormis eesti keelt harjutada. Kavas on keelemänge ja nuputamist, lõbusaid teste ja improülesandeid. Saad rääkida ise ja kindlasti õppida ka teistelt. Suhtluse muudavad sujuvamaks maitsev tee ja suupisted. Kellaviieteele kutsuvad Sind eesti keele maja õpetaja Inga ning muidugi kohvik „Valge Kõrvits“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/15027?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

We invite you to the Cultural Diversity Gala

On Saturday, 18 January, the theme year, which began a year ago and is dedicated to all the residents of Estonia – the Cultural Diversity Year – will come to an end. For this occasion, we invite everyone to the Cultural Diversity Gala, which will be held at Viru Keskus in the heart of Tallinn in cooperation with Estonian and other national communities from all over Estonia. 

The gala offers unique experiences and exciting discoveries, through which we will celebrate our cultural diversity. The programme which is planned for between 12 a.m. and 9 p.m., can be attended free of charge with your loved ones. The most meaningful is the gala concert starting at 2 p.m.:

11.00 – 19.00 Cultural Diversity Handicrafts

In the atrium of Viru Keskus

Representatives of national cultural societies will offer the opportunity to get acquainted with and purchase unique handicrafts. Each item is crafted with love, carrying with it a centuries-old heritage. 

12.00 – 13.30 Cultural Diversity Guided Tours

Starts in Tallinn's Old Town and ends in Viru Keskus

Historians Jaak Juske (EST), Aliis Hazlehurst Palo (ENG) and Josef Kats (RUS) will tell you about the wealth of cultural diversity in the center of Tallinn. Up to 40 people can participate (up to 120 people in total).

Meeting Point: In front of St. Olaf’s Church main entrance, Lai Street at 12:00 p.m. Participants should arrive 10–15 minutes earlier to collect their radio guide set and provide a signature to confirm receipt. End Point: Viru Keskus at 1:30 p.m., followed by a break and the gala concert at 2:00 p.m.

Important Information: The weather forecast suggests around 0°C, cloudy, and humid. Please dress warmly for the 1.5-hour tour. Registration is required to provide each participant with a radio guide set. Participation and the use of radio guides are free.

Please register by 16 January 4:00 p.m. at the latest: https://forms.gle/2TKkaYoVXofARTzbA.

12.00 – 14.00 Cultural Diversity Lunch Concerts

Viru Food Court

Culinary masters will offer the opportunity to dine in the Indian, Chinese, American, Korean, Italian, Japanese, Uzbek, Latin America and European traditions. At the same time, you will be enchanted by music from various musicians living in Estonia and brought together by the Estonian Union of National Minorities and the Union of National Cultural Associations “Lüüra” (“Lyre”).

14.00 – 15.55 Cultural Diversity Gala Concert

In the atrium of Viru Keskus

At the grand gala concert, Alika Milova, Ant Nurhan Uku Suviste, Rute ja Ruslan Trochynskyi and many other shining stars of the Estonian music scene will highlight the diversity of cultures. At the end, all the performers will join together with Reet Linna, Peeter Vähi and the Port of Tallinn Choir. Between musical numbers, representatives of dozens of communities will dance and display their folk costumes. Ženja Fokin will contribute to the success of the unique concert as the host.

The participants and guests of the gala concert will be greeted by the Minister of Culture Heidy Purga.

Gala Concert programme:

13.30 Neemo Saareväli 

13.55 Korean ensemble Arirang.

14.00 Opening remarks by moderator Ženja Fokin

14.02 Welcome speech by Heidy Purga, Minister of Culture.

14.07 Welcoming speech by Dmitri Moskovtsev, Director of the Integration Foundation

14.10 Estonian Nationalities Association, Estonian Folk Culture Centre, RRÜL Lüüra cooperation agreement signing ceremony 

14.15 LED show 

14.22 Mexican Stephanie Rendon + Alika Milova band 

14.26 Estonian Folk Arts and Crafts Association fashion show

14.30 Mixed dance group Tammed and Toomed

14.36 Milana Fayzullova + Uku Suviste

14.42 RRÜL Lüüra + Maštots" Armenian Sunday School fashion show

14.52 Alika Milova and band + Uku Suviste, Ant Nurhan

15.37 Estonian Commonwealth of Nationalities + Union of Ingerisooms fashion fashion show

15.41 Dance studio Graatsia

15.45 Estonian Congress of Ukrainians and Narva Polish Society fashion show 

15.49 Ruslan (trombone) & Rute (violins) Trochynskyi 

16.03 Alika band, Alika, Peeter Vähi, Reet Linna, Ant Nurhan, Uku Suviste, Ruslan and Rute Trochynskyi, Milana Fayzullova and Tallinn Harbour Mixed Choir singing together.

16.00 – 18.00 Cultural Diversity Disco

In the atrium of Viru Keskus

DJs from different parts of the world will captivate you with the rhythms they have created while living in Estonia. Needless to say, there will be dancing!

16.00 – 17.45 Debate: What is the legacy of the theme years?

The Rahva Raamat bookshop in Viru Keskus

At the initiative of the Ministry of Culture, key figures in cultural policy will summarize the practice and legacy of a quarter-century of theme years. The moderator of the discussion is Erle Loonurm, head of the ERR Culture Department.

18.00 – 19.00 Cultural Diversity Dance Class

In the atrium of Viru Keskus

The stars of the world of dance will teach you the steps from Estonian, Mediterranean, Latin and other dances so that you can enjoy the rhythms of different cultures and move with joy.

18.00 – 19.30 Presentation of books reflecting cultural diversity

The Rahva Raamat bookshop in Viru Keskus

Researchers of the Estonian Literature Museum Mare Kõiva, Nikolai Anisimov, Nikolai Kuznetsov and Sergey Troitsky present the books which will transport you to the world of your ancestors and provide worthy reading for future generations. Among the books presented, for example, is a unique collection "Literary café of Finno-Ugric peoples New translations" and a special issue of Mäetagused magazine dedicated to the Udmurts. The presentations will be held in Estonian and Russian.

Rahva Raamat presents a sample of books reflecting cultural diversity.

18.00 – 21.00 Cultural Diversity Evening Concerts

Viru Food Court

Culinary masters will offer the opportunity to dine in the Indian, Chinese, American, Korean, Italian, Japanese, Uzbek, Latin America and European traditions. At the same time, you will be enchanted by music from various musicians living in Estonia and brought together by the Association of Nationalities of Estonia and the Union of National Cultural Associations “Lüüra” (“Lyre”).


Please consider 

If possible, come in folk costumes or enhance your outfit with themed accessories to further highlight our cultural diversity.

Viru Keskus is accessible to people with limited mobility. During the day, sign language interpreters will provide support as needed.


More information

You can read about the idea of ​​the Cultural Diversity Gala at this link. You can find the event on social media at this link.

For more detailed queries, please contact the Cultural Diversity Year working group: e-mail 2024@integratsioon.ee, tel. 58162318.


Cultural diversity gala

Communities from all over Estonia to hold a cultural diversity gala in Tallinn

On Saturday, 18 January, the theme year, which began a year ago and is dedicated to all the residents of Estonia – the Cultural Diversity Year – will come to an end. For this occasion, everyone is welcome to attend a free cultural diversity gala, which will be held by the theme year working group in Viru Keskus in cooperation with various communities.

The gala offers an opportunity to celebrate the cultural diversity that is born from the cultural differences and similarities of the people living in Estonia. Our country has been home to communities of Estonians and other peoples for centuries, and there are currently more than 217 such communities. The resulting cultural diversity is expressed, for example, in languages, customs, clothes, food, songs and dances.

At the cultural diversity gala, you can participate in a number of unique activities with family and friends. For example, to highlight our cultural diversity, Alika Milova, Ant Nurhan, Uku Suviste, Rute and Ruslan Trochynskyi and many other stars of the Estonian music scene will give a unique gala concert. For the finale, all the performers will sing together with Reet Linna, Peeter Vähi, the Port of Tallinn Choir.

In addition, you will make several discoveries at the gala. For example, Jaak Juske, Aliis Hazlehurst Palo and Josef Kats will conduct guided tours showing the cultural diversity that can be found in Tallinn’s city centre. Members of dozens of national cultural societies will display their national costumes and enchant you with songs, dances and handicrafts. During the event, you will be able to sample from a culturally diverse menu.

The gala programme has been prepared in cooperation with the Integration Foundation and the Ministry of Culture, which is leading the Cultural Diversity Year, and the Estonian Centre of Folk Culture, the Estonian Union of National Minorities and the Union of National Cultural Associations “Lüüra” (“Lyre”).

This gala of cultural diversity will offer free group events on January 18, from 12 a.m. to 9 p.m. It will take place primarily at Viru Keskus, where the guided tours starting in Tallinn's Old Town will end. The full programme and other information can be found on the website of the Cultural Diversity Year: kultuuririkkus.ee/gala.

Kultuuririkkuse gala



Tallinna Linnamuuseumi haridusprogramm A2+

  • Language level required: A2
  • Location: Tallinna Linnamuuseum Komandandi tee 2, Tallinn
  • Time: 08.02.2025 10:00 - 09.02.2025 15:30
  • Format: Educational program

Tallinna Linnamuuseumi hariduseprogrammi „Mitmenäoline Tallinn“ esimesel päeval käsitletakse Tallinna kaitsmise ajalugu, teisel päeval igapäevase rahuaegse eluoluga seotud teemasid läbi keskaegse kaitsetorni argipäeva.

Haridusprogramm toimub kahel päeval ja kestab kokku 12 ak/h. Koolituspäev algab kell 10:00 ja lõpeb kell 15:30, koolituspäeval on 2 energiapausi kogukestusega 60 minut

Mõlemad 2-päevased kohtumised toimuvad Kiek in de Köki suurtükitornis Tallinnas aadressil Komandandi tee 2.

Kontakt: Margus Saks, e-post Margus.Saks@linnamuuseum.ee, telefon 5443 0006

Vähese keeleoskusega täiskasvanutele eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ja praktiseerimiseks loodud haridusprogramm. Eesmärgiks tutvustada Eesti kultuuriruumi. Läbi kuulamise ning lugemisülesannete toetakse algtasemel keeleoskaja püüdlust mõista eesti keelt. Lisaks julgustatakse programmis osalejaid läbi lihtsate tegevuste omavahel suhtlema, innustades jätkama keeleõpet.

Haridusprogrammi rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Haridusprogrammide, sealhulgas lihtsas eesti keeles, loomine kultuuri- ja spordiasutustes“.

Tallinna Linnamuuseum

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14999?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus