Let’s celebrate Estonian Flag Day around the world

Estonian Flag Day

The working group of the Cultural Diversity Year invites you to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Estonian flag. Let us raise our flags and dress in blue, black and white. In this way, we will show how the Estonian flag unites everyone who cares about Estonia.

We will celebrate the anniversary of the Estonian flag both in Estonia and further afield on June 4. The Estonian flag symbolises the values that we share as Estonians. Among these, of course, is cultural richness – the diversity of Estonian communities and national cultures. That is why, on this special day, we will hoist the Estonian flag together across the world.

On June 4, there are two ways to make the tricolour more visible. First, we can display the black, blue and white flag at home, in the office, and everywhere else. Secondly, we can dress in the colours of the flag or add some blue, black and white details to our outfit.

To ensure that all the tricolours hoisted in different ways form an Estonian flag that flies around the world, the working group of the Cultural Diversity Year is waiting for pictures or videos of your flags. Post your images on Facebook using the hashtags #meielipp and #kultuuririkkus.

Pictures and videos are welcome no later than June 4, but they can also be posted throughout the month of June. All posted pictures and videos will be compiled by the panel of the Cultural Diversity Year into a universal Estonian flag.

The Cultural Diversity Year  is a theme year organized by the Ministry of Culture and the Integration Foundation to highlight the diversity of Estonian communities and the cultures of the people living in Estonia.


Tahsin Kayurga’s incredible story: how a Turkish civil engineer became a maths teacher in Pelgulinn

Tahsin arrived in Estonia with his wife a few years ago as a political refugee. Today, he teaches maths to children in Estonian, is studying for a master’s degree in Estonian, and volunteers with his wife to support the elderly with their daily tasks. 


Please tell us more about yourself: who are you and how did you happen to come to Estonia? 

I am from Türkiye, and my wife and I have been living in Laagri for 2.5 years. We came here for political reasons. I am a civil engineer, but I currently work as a maths teacher. If an engineer builds houses, then in education, we build people. My wife was a theology teacher in Türkiye, but she is not able to do this work here. In August, she will start training as a support worker. She is currently unemployed. I speak Estonian at level B2, and in June I am going to take the level C1 exam. My wife is at level B1. 

We have no children, but my best friend has two children who go to kindergarten in Laagri. My friend is also learning Estonian. At home, they speak Turkish. 

What was your life like as a refugee in Estonia? 

At first, my wife and I lived in a refugee centre in Vao village. We lived like ordinary people in an apartment, not in a tent encampment where they send war refugees in other parts of the world. Sometimes we miss the village of Vao – life was good there. 

All beginnings are difficult. Starting from scratch is hard. It was difficult financially. I am currently working part-time, full-time from next year. 

How did you come to study Estonian? 

We started learning Estonian at the refugee centre. We took courses for six months at a folk high school until reaching level B1, which has helped us a lot. We then took the level B1 exam. If you speak English, you may think: ‘Should I learn Estonian? Is it necessary?’ I would definitely recommend anyone who has come to live in Estonia or is a war refugee to first learn the language. If you learn Estonian, you will do better at work and in life. My Estonian was not perfect, but I went for a job interview. The employer said ‘You can do it, we believe in you’. I also started master’s studies in Estonian at Tallinn University, majoring in teaching mathematics. I work hard. But I can manage. It gets better with time. 

I will never forget when my wife told me that she wanted to learn Estonian not only to work, but also to communicate with people and learn about the culture. Maybe you are an IT guy and have no need for Estonian, but you still need it to communicate with people. 

What do you like about Estonia? 

We ended up in Laagri. It is a very nice place and we have nice neighbours to socialise with. Estonia is a very good place to live. It is peaceful here. There are very few causes of problems compared to other countries. People are environmentally aware. I was surprised to see that even small children walk the streets alone. Estonia has a very clean environment. I really like it here. 

What is your day like? 

I teach maths in Estonian to Estonian children at Avatud Kool. Avatud Kool is a language immersion school. I am not sure, but I think about half of the pupils in our school are Estonian and the other half are Russian. I only teach in Estonian – I do not speak Russian. Russian-speaking children speak much better Estonian than I do. 

It was challenging at first – a new environment, a new job. We have a very good team at school, they always support me. There is nothing to fear. If you make a little effort to speak Estonian, Estonian people immediately cheer up. 

I was so bored when I was not working. The early days were difficult. My wife and I only went to courses and there are very few people on the streets in Estonia. There are not many opportunities to meet people and communicate. In Türkiye, when you go out, take the bus, or go shopping, everyone tells you who they are and where they are from. Everyday communication is more active, you get to practise the language. I motivated myself, which is very important. When I started working, my Estonian improved and everything got better. Working is very important to practise the language. 

How do Estonians feel about you? Do you get on well with the locals? 

I have not encountered people who are afraid or unwilling to communicate. The wife wears a headscarf, and she gets the occasional look from Estonians who have never seen it before. My wife does not get offended if people look. Maybe we need to make an effort to communicate more with Estonians? At first, I would say hello to my neighbour and he would reply: ‘Tere!’ I would then ask how he was doing and he would say: ‘I’m good’. Nothing more. Now we communicate more. For two years now, we have been exchanging gifts with our neighbours at Christmas. It is a good way to connect. 

Big countries – France, Germany, Türkiye, and Russia – are very conservative about their language. Estonian people are not that conservative. They will respond immediately in English or Russian, not Estonian. This is not a good thing. There are not enough Estonian people, so the people should do more to keep the language alive. 

What do you do in your free time to practise Estonian? 

My wife and I volunteer with MTÜ SaTu Dialoog (https://satu.ee/), we organise a lot of events. For example, on Midsummer Day, we visit Estonian friends and celebrate together. On Independence Day, too. We have been doing this for three years. We communicate in Estonian and that helps. 

My wife and I volunteer and we also socialise with the elderly and go for walks with them. An elderly lady comes to visit us and we cook together. 

Have you encountered any prejudice in Estonia? 

As a Muslim, I have not experienced Estonians being prejudiced. If you speak Estonian, it does not matter what your religion is or where you come from. 

Many people say that Estonian is a difficult language. Estonian is a bit like Turkish – the dictionary is similar. It was not that hard for me, maybe a little bit sometimes. For example, when you come home from attending a course and you have to do homework and listen to something, but you have no energy. You have to be optimistic. Learning a language takes time, at least two or three years. But everything will be fine in the end. When I speak a bit of Estonian and Estonians say that I speak it so well, it motivates me. If I lived in France or Germany, I would definitely think that I would have to learn the local language. This is also true in Estonia. If I want to live in Estonia for the rest of my life, I have to learn Estonian. Learning the language means respecting Estonian culture. If you say that you do not want to learn Estonian because Estonia is a small country with a small population, then that is neither fair nor right. 

What do you recommend to other newly arrived immigrants coming to Estonia? 

I would definitely advise new immigrants to find reasons to go out, to immerse themselves in a language environment, not just to be at home. For example, if you have hobbies ... or a dog or a cat, go out and socialise with other pet owners and you can practise your Estonian. You can visit museums, language cafés. I do not enjoy staying at home and learning a language from a computer or a book. I always have Estonian radio on in my car – it is a good way to learn the language. There is no need to be afraid of making mistakes. Speaking without making mistakes is certainly difficult, but it is important to communicate and make connections. At school, students also correct me; it is a good way to learn. 


The Settle in Estonia Programme is a free educational programme provided by the Estonian state which is intended to help the foreigners who have arrived in Estonia to adapt and become accustomed to local life more easily. We offer courses for people who have come to live or study in Estonia and have lived here for less than 5 years. For example, war refugees to whom Estonia offers international or temporary protection, as well as people who have come to Estonia to work or do business here or relocate with their family member. We offer language training and other courses to help you cope with everyday life in Estonia. Read more and register: https://integratsioon.ee/en/kohanemine. The adaptation programme is co-funded by the European Union and the state budget. 

Ootame Ukrainast tulijaid eesti kelt õppima

Dear friend from Ukraine, beneficiary of temporary protection!

We invite you to learn Estonian for free at the A1, A2 or B1 level. Registration for courses is open on the website of the official adaptation program Settle in Estonia https://www.settleinestone.ee.  

Dear friend from Ukraine, beneficiary of temporary protection! We invite you to learn Estonian for free at the A1, A2 or B1 level. Registration for courses is open on the website of the official adaptation program Settle in Estonia https://www.settleinestone.ee.  

Knowing Estonian will help you find a job or continue your studies in Estonia, to communicate more closely with Estonians and make new friends, to discover Estonian culture and spend time in the theater, museums and concerts, and to find opportunities that you have never dreamed of.

Do I have to travel to Tallinn to learn Estonian or can I also learn the language on online courses?

Estonian can be learned both in Tallinn and elsewhere in Estonia, but most language courses are conducted online. Many different groups are currently open both in the morning, during the day and in the evening, from which you can choose the most suitable one for you.

How long do the courses last?

On average, a beginner's Estonian language course to level A1 lasts 4 months, while advanced courses take somewhat longer - it takes 6 months to reach A2 level, and a language learner can reach B1 level in 8 months.

How to register?

To register for a language course, please create a personal account at www.settleinestonia.ee or log in to an account you have already created. In your personal account, you can see the courses open to you, the course schedule, additional information, and you can register for the appropriate course.   

If you don't see A2 or B1 courses, please review the data on the courses you have completed on your personal page. If it turns out that not all of your completed courses are listed in our database, please send us the certificate to info@settleinestonia.ee.  

Who must present a certificate?  

Beneficiaries of temporary protection who have completed an A1 or A2 level language course elsewhere than in the Settle in Estonia programme (for example at a university, the Unemployment Insurance Fund or at one of the following language schools https://bit.ly/keeleamet) must send us their certificate, which we add to the Settle in Estonia database. Once the information about completed courses is in the system, you can see A2 or B1 level courses and register. 

How to get answers to further questions?

For further questions, please contact info@settleinestonia.ee.

If you cannot immediately find a course that suits you, or if the course you are interested in is full, please check back in a while as new groups open gradually.  

Be sure to come and learn Estonian! 

Keelematk A2+ (Ida-Virumaa)

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Alutaguse Matkaklubi Alutaguse vald
  • Time: 08.06.2024 kell 10:00 - 18:00
  • Format: Language Practice


Liustiku ja jääpankade sulamise tuhandete aastate keerukate protsesside tulemusel on tekkinud Kurtnasse unikaalne maastik, mida iseloomustab reljeefi ja taimkatte tugev mosaiiksus.
Mõhnastik ja järvederohkus annab sellele paikkonnale kordumatuse – vaid 30 km² alale on koondunud üle 40. järve! Läheme vaatame osa neist järvedest üle.

Käsitletavad teemad: veekogud (järved, jõed, kraavid), pinnavormid (mõhnad, liivaseljandikud, sood jne), maastikud (metsad, aasad, lagendikud), looduskasutus (turba kaevandamine, liiva kaevandamine, vee tarbimine, puhkemajandus). Elusloodus (kalad, imetajad, kahepaiksed, putukad jne)

11.00 Saabumine matka piirkonda

Buss võtab rahva peale järgmistest peatustest:
Kell 10.00 Narva Peetri väljak
Kell 10.25 Sillamäe bussijaam
Kell 10.45 Jõhvi parkla Tartu põik 1 (Jõhvi kesklinnas viadukti all).

11.00-11.20 Sissejuhatus: tutvumine, päeva tutvustus, õppematerjalide (sh tugisõnade) jagamine ning selgitamine
12.00-13.40 Matk koos pausidega, mis sisaldab vaatluseid, ülesandeid ja temaatilisi mängulisi tegevusi.
13.40-14.10 Lõunapaus. NB! Söögi ja joogi võtavad osalejad ise kaasa.
14.10-15.50 Matk koos pausidega, mis sisaldab vaatluseid, ülesandeid ja temaatilisi mängulisi tegevusi.
15.50-16.15 Kokkuvõtete tegemine

Kontaktisik: Ingrid Kuligina, tel. 5141692, e-post: ingrid@matkaklubi.ee

Keelematka rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14442?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

New Estonian cinema A2+ (Narva)

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja Linda 2
  • Time: 29.05.2024 kell 18:00 - 20:30
  • Format: Language Practice

‘New Estonian cinema’ is a monthly series of film evenings focused on recent Estonian cinema.
The series focuses mainly on the best Estonian comedy and drama films, but also features award-winning documentaries and artistic short films (BFM).
The movie nights´ aim is to introduce contemporary Estonian films and improve listening, reading, and discussion skills. The screenings are preceded and followed by a free-form discussion where participants share their thoughts; more complex (including colloquial) expressions found in the films and the background of the movies are also discussed before the screening. Each occasion also provides a specific information or worksheet.

On May 29 we will show the film "Vacationers"
Based on the short story by Juhan Smuul, the Estonian feature film The Vacationers is a summer comedy full of genuine passion and catching laughter. The legendary story unfolding on the island of Muhu, was defiantly moved by the film creators to the present day, as the characters created by Smuul are truly timeless.
Since the catch leaves much to be desired, fisherman Ärni decides to rent out rooms to summer residents during the celebration of Midsummer. This is a great plan, but it seems that Sohvia, her husband Johan, their son Juunior, the beautiful Erna – Sohvia’s sister, and her businessman boyfriend Ivo, who arrive at the picturesque farm on Muhu, will cause a lot of trouble for the owners. At first glance, it becomes clear to Ärni and his wife Laine that this company simply will not work together. The summer residents from the capital are filled with a sense of self-importance and require special treatment, but under the glossy facade lurk secrets that are revealed one by one as the scandal progresses.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14439?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Tallinn - Viljandi A2+

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: MTÜ Etnoweb G. Otsa 9 parkimispeatusest, Estonia teatri kõrval
  • Time: 15.06.2024 kell 09:00 - 20:00
  • Format: Study Trip

Tule avasta võluv Viljandi, kus elab pärimuskultuur! Viljandi on üks vanimaid linnu Eestis.
Viljandis külastatakse Eesti Pärimusmuusika Keskust, Kondase Keskust, Ugala teatrit ja tehakse linnaekskursioon.

Päevakavas toodud tegevuste käigus õpime ja harjutame eesti keelt ning kogume kultuurielamusi.
Kontaktisik on Liia Asanova: kundliiaa@gmail.com

Õppereisi päevakava

Külastame Eesti Pärimusmuusika Keskust, Kondase Keskust, Ugala teatrit ja tehakse linnaekskursioon.

9.00 Väljasõit (Tallinnast aadressilt G. Otsa 9 parkimispeatusest, Estonia teatri kõrvalt)
11.45 Lõunapaus
19.00 Tagasi Tallinnas G. Otsa tänava parkimispeatuses

Õppereisid on suunatud inimestele, kelle emakeel ei ole eesti keel ja kes soovivad eesti keelt praktiseerida; külastada kultuuriloolisi paiku ning muuseume, etendus- jt kultuuriasutusi, mis aitavad mõista eesti kultuuri eripära ja traditsioone.

Õppereisi rahastamisallikas: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14437?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Tallinn - Pärnu A2+ - GROUP FULL

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: MTÜ Etnoweb G. Otsa 9 parkimispeatusest, Estonia teatri kõrval
  • Time: 08.06.2024 kell 09:30 - 20:00
  • Format: Study Trip

Pärnu on meie üks tuntumaid kuurortlinnu. Lisaks merele saab seal pilgu peale visata ka Eesti pikkuselt teisele jõele – Pärnu jõele, mis saavutab oma suurima laiuse just nimelt linnas, olles kohati üle 300 meetri laiune. Tule tutvu armsa suvepealinnaga!

Päevakavas toodud tegevuste käigus õpime ja harjutame eesti keelt ning kogume kultuurielamusi.
Kontaktisik on Liia Asanova: kundliiaa@gmail.com

Õppereisi päevakava

Külastame Koidula Muuseumi, Pärnu Keskraamatukogu, Pärnu muuseumi ning teeme Pärnu linna- ja ranna ekskursiooni.

9.30 Väljasõit (Tallinnast aadressilt G. Otsa 9 parkimispeatusest, Estonia teatri kõrvalt)
11.45 Lõunapaus
18.00 Väljasõit Pärnust tagasi Tallinnasse
20.00 G. Otsa 9

Õppereisid on suunatud inimestele, kelle emakeel ei ole eesti keel ja kes soovivad eesti keelt praktiseerida; külastada kultuuriloolisi paiku ning muuseume, etendus- jt kultuuriasutusi, mis aitavad mõista eesti kultuuri eripära ja traditsioone.

Õppereisi rahastamisallikas: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14436?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Narva-Pärnu õppereis A2+ - GROUP FULL

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Õppekeskus OÜ Peetri plats, Narva linn
  • Time: 08.06.2024 kell 07:00 - 19:30
  • Format: Study Trip

Tutvume suvepealinnas eesti põneva ja sooja kultuuriga!
Pärnu õppereisi rikkalik kultuuriprogramm pakub hulgaliselt võimalusi eesti kultuuri ja ajaloo avastamiseks. Külastame Endla teatrit, Pärnu Keskraamatukogu, Koidula Muuseumi, Pärnu vanalinna ja randa. Kõigi tegevuste käigus õpime ja harjutame eesti keelt ning kogume kultuurielamusi. Lisainfo: Janus Paurmanilt e-posti aadressil januspaurman@gmail.com.

Ps! Õppereis algab Narvast ning sellega ei saa liituda Pärnust.
Õppereisi päevakava
7.30 Väljasõit Peetri platsilt, Narvast
7.20 Sillamäe bussijaam
7.50 Jõhvi bussijaam
11.30 Endla teateri külastus
13.30 Lõuna
14.30 Linnatuur (Pärnu Keskraamatukogu, südalinn ja rand)
15.00 Koidula muuseumi külastus
16.30 Tagasisõit Narva
Peatused: Jõhvi bussijaam, Sillamäe bussijaam
19.30 Narvas Peetri platsil

Õppereisid on suunatud nendele inimestele, kelle emakeel ei ole eesti keel ja kes soovivad eesti keelt praktiseerida; külastada kultuuriloolisi paiku ning muuseume, etendus- jt kultuuriasutusi, mis aitavad mõista eesti kultuuri eripära ja traditsioone.

Õppereisid viib läbi Õppekeskus OÜ.

Üks inimene saab erinevatel õppereisidel osaleda kuni neli korda. Korraldajal on õigus enam kui neljal õppereisil osalemine tühistada.

Õppereisi rahastamisallikas: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14434?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Narva-Tallinn õppereis A2+

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Õppekeskus OÜ Peetri plats, Narva linn
  • Time: 01.06.2024 kell 07:00 - 20:00
  • Format: Study Trip

Tutvume Eesti pealinnas meie ajaloo ja kaasaegsete kultuuriga – külastame keskaegset vanalinna ja Niguliste kirikut, uhket Estonia teatrit ning Tallinna Linnamuuseumi ja Lauluväljakut. Kõigi tegevuste käigus õpime ja harjutame eesti keelt ning kogume kultuurielamusi. Lisainfo: Janus Paurmanilt e-posti aadressil januspaurman@gmail.com või telefonil 5660 4379

Õppereisi päevakava

7.00 Väljasõit Peetri platsilt Narvast
7.20 Sillamäe bussijaam
7.45 Jõhvi bussijaam
10.00 – 12.15 Vanalinn ja Niguliste kiriku külastus
12.15 – 13.00 Lõuna
13.00 – 15.15 Estonia teatri külastus ja Tallinna Linnamuuseumi külastus
15.15 – 16.45 Lauluväljaku külastus
17.00 – Tagasisõit Narva
20.00 – Narvas Peetri platsil

Õppereisid on suunatud nendele inimestele, kelle emakeel ei ole eesti keel ja kes soovivad eesti keelt praktiseerida; külastada kultuuriloolisi paiku ning muuseume, etendus- jt kultuuriasutusi, mis aitavad mõista eesti kultuuri eripära ja traditsioone.

Õppereisi viib läbi Õppekeskus OÜ.

Üks inimene saab erinevatel õppereisidel perioodil september 2023 kuni juuni 2024 osaleda kuni neli korda. Korraldajal on õigus enam kui neljal õppereisil osalemine tühistada.

Õppereisi rahastamisallikas: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Erinevate kultuuri- ja vaba aja tegevuste pakkumine eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ning praktiseerimiseks“.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14432?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus

Friday in Library A2+ (Paldiski) - GROUP FULL

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Rae 38, Paldiski linn, Raamatukogu
  • Time: 31.05.2024 kell 16:00 - 17:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Friday in Library is a social club which brings together people from different cultural backgrounds who want to practice Estonian in a pleasant and welcoming setting.

The club is a place to get acquainted with one another, have conversations with the help of various forms of communication, play fun team games, and exchange information.

The Friday in Library events are meant for those who are still learning Estonian and who want to practice it in a playful manner.

Registration: https://iseteenindus.integratsioon.ee/service/view/14373?lang=en

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:https://integratsioon.ee/iseteenindus