In the coming week, the celebration of the Day of Nationalities will take off

The Cultural Diversity Year invites everyone to participate in the events taking place from 14 September until 30 September to celebrate the Day of Nationalities. This holiday, celebrated on 24 September, is dedicated to the communities of Estonians and other nationalities living in Estonia.

The Day of Nationalities was initiated in 2005 by the Estonian Union of National Minorities in order to bring together Estonian and all the other national communities living in Estonia. Since then, the Day of Nationalities has been celebrated with various events all over Estonia.

‘Celebrating the Day of Nationalities gives the national communities an opportunity to introduce themselves to all the people of Estonia. This helps us all realise how different and yet similar we are,’ stated Dmitri Moskovtsev, the Head of the Integration Foundation. ‘The ongoing Cultural Diversity Year gives us an opportunity to celebrate the Day of Nationalities on a larger scale than ever before – in every county and with the participation of even more communities,’ he added.

The comprehensive programme for celebrating the Day of Nationalities was prepared in cooperation with the Estonian Union of National Minorities, the Estonian Folk Culture Centre, The Association of Estonian Cultural Societies, Tallinn Culture & Sports Department, Ida-Virumaa Integration Center and the cultural associations of various nationalities.

‘Together, we can carry on great traditions as well as start new ones. The latter includes a wonderful opportunity to celebrate this holiday in Estonia and abroad – on the Day of Nationalities, i.e. on Tuesday, 24 September, we can all fly the Estonian flag, wear our folk costumes, or add folk elements to everyday outfits,’ said Natalia Ermakov, the President of the Estonian Union of National Minorities.

The events of the Day of Nationalities provide opportunities for people of any age to experience the cuisine, dance, language, music, art, etc. of various nations. The events take place all across Estonia from cultural centres to libraries, from community centres to village squares, from botanical gardens to private yards – and most of them are free of charge.

The programme of the Day of Nationalities is available on the website


  • The Cultural Diversity Year is a theme year that takes place under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the Integration Foundation. Its goal is to celebrate the cultural diversity of the communities of Estonians and other peoples living here.
  • The Estonian Union of National Minorities continues the work of the I Forum on Nationalities, which took place on 24 September, 1988 and supported the restoration of Estonia's independence. At the proposal of the association, Paul-Eerik Rummo, the Minister of Population at the time, declared September 24 as the Day of Nationalities.

rahvuste päev

Narva Muuseumi haridusprogramm A2+

  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Sihtasutus Narva Muuseum Peetri plats 7
  • Time: 07.11.2024 kell 17:30 - 19:45
  • Format: Educational program

Programmi nimi: „Narva- jõgi ja linn“

Sisukirjeldus: Haridusprogrammi käigus uuritakse, millist mõju on Eesti veerohkeim jõgi avaldanud regiooni arengule ja linna kujunemisele. Osalejad sukelduvad kaugetesse aegadesse, mil linna läbivail veeteedel toimus tormiline kaubavahetus ning selgitavad välja, mis kõige paremini kaubaks läks. Räägitakse, kuidas inimesed jõge aegade jooksul kasutasid ning millist mõju see jõele avaldas.
Osalejaid oodatakse Narva linnusesse aadressil Peetri plats 7.

Kontakt: [email protected] või tel 3599230.

Vähese keeleoskusega täiskasvanutele eesti keele õppe toetamiseks ja praktiseerimiseks loodud haridusprogramm, eesmärgiks tutvustada Eesti kultuuriruumi. Läbi kuulamise ning lugemisülesannete toetakse algtasemel keeleoskaja püüdlust mõista eesti keelt. Lisaks julgustatakse programmis osalejaid läbi lihtsate tegevuste omavahel suhtlema, innustades jätkama keeleõpet.

Haridusprogrammi rahastatakse: ESF+ projekt nr 2021-2027.4.07.23-0006 „Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ja kodanikuõpe“ alategevus „Haridusprogrammide, sealhulgas lihtsas eesti keeles, loomine kultuuri- ja spordiasutustes“.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:

We are all the face of Estonia: Pjotr Zotovitš - the head of Big Musical Family Contributes to the Estonian Cultural Diversity

Pjotr Zotovitš


Bulgarian Pjotr Zotovitš, a father of five children and a talented musician from Odessa, moved to Estonia with his wife and three younger kids; he has been familiar with Estonia for a long time, since his first trips in the 1980s. It was not by chance that Estonia became a new home for Pjotr and his family; here he has been developing his career as a musician and contributing to the local culture by combining the musical traditions of the two nations.

I represent the Bulgarian culture. My surname – Zotovitš – is Serbian. I was born in Moldova; I lived in Ukraine for many years, and I also have Greek roots. I was born and grew up in a small country with a great history and bright cultural traditions. Moving to Estonia was a big step for me, driven by a desire to explore new horizons and learn more about another culture. When I first arrived here, I was amazed by the quietness and pace of life. Estonia seemed to be a place where time went slowly and people could live in harmony with nature and with each other.

I have always tried to do my best to maintain a connection with my culture even when I am far from home. I find it important to maintain my own traditions and share them with new friends and acquaintances. It helps me to feel closer to my roots and, at the same time, enriches the cultural space around me.

I feel part of this society now and I am happy to see that my experience and culture can add something new to Estonian life. I hope that my presence helps to build bridges between cultures and enhance our mutual understanding.

I was familiarised with Estonia years ago, although I have been living here for only five years. I first visited Estonia in 1982, because my brother lives here. Afterwards, I visited many times back in the late 1980s.

I run a family musical band. I have five children – they all professionally sing, dance, and play music. My elder kids graduated from the University of Odessa, the faculty of choreography. My middle daughter plays the saxophone, the youngest plays the violin. The youngest son plays the drums and sings.

As a vocalist, I took part in a competition in Harjumaa and I won the grand prize there. Although, frankly, I have never considered myself a vocalist. Although, to be honest, I have never considered myself a vocalist. My main instrument is still the accordion, after all.

If a culture lives in its own stew then after a while it becomes bland and dull. When we meet Estonian bands on the stage: not only do we learn from the Estonians, for example, or from someone else, but they also learn from us – some musical patterns and phrases.

It is worth traveling and seeing Estonia to understand how cool and nice it is here and how many exciting things are available. Far too many. Sometimes I even regret that I do not have that much spare time to visit all the places. It is a beautiful green country.

I have become addicted to and developed a keen interest in visiting Estonian lakes and ticking them off my list. ‘I have been there, and I liked it.’ I especially like the quarry lakes, they are deep and clear.


Please describe how you see our Estonia.

To me, the face of Estonia is quietness and balance reflected in nature and people. This is a country where traditions and innovations go hand-in-hand, thus creating a unique cultural landscape that inspires and calls to be explored.


What do you like in Estonia?

I like Estonian nature, its dense forests, clean lakes, and fresh air. Estonia fascinates with its calmness and peacefulness, here you can find harmony and seclusion. I appreciate the modesty and self-restraint of the locals and the technological development of the country.


What surprises you in Estonia?

I am surprised by the fact that such a small country has managed to balance its traditions and advanced technologies. I am also impressed by how well Estonians have preserved their cultural authenticity and language, despite the historical challenges.


What do you find unexpected or unusual in Estonia?

To me, the way how quietly people can live was unexpected. Even in the capital, Tallinn, there is an atmosphere of calm and moderation. To me, it was also unusual to see how much Estonians value their personal space and independence.


What aspects of your culture could be implemented in Estonia?

I would say that more openness and friendliness could be introduced, especially in terms of social communication. In my culture, active hospitality and warmness are widely adopted, which could make life in Estonia even more comfortable and cozy.


What do you miss most in Estonia? What is lacking in Estonia?

Most of all, I miss familiar tastes and meals. Despite the diversity of foods in Estonia, it is quite difficult to find certain ingredients or methods of cooking. I also miss the more active way of social life that is more specific to my culture.


How do you think your presence enriches Estonia?

My presence in Estonia provides the country with more diverse cultural traditions and approaches. I do my best to share my experience and knowledge by introducing the elements of my culture into my daily life and communication. This helps to build bridges between different cultures and enhances mutual understanding.


What Estonian habits have you adopted for yourself?

I have adopted a habit of savouring the moments of peace and quiet that Estonians value so much. I have also learned more about planning and the value of personal space, which helps me better cope with everyday challenges.


What is your favourite Estonian food?

My favourite Estonian food is blood sausage with cranberry jam. This unique combination of tastes first seemed unusual to me, but I have grown to love it over time.


Do you have a favourite Estonian musical composition?

I really like the composition ‘Eesti muld ja Eesti süda’ performed by the Estonian choir. It reveals the deep feelings of Estonians towards their homeland.


How could you describe Estonians?

Estonians are reserved but, at the same time, they are warm and sincere people. They appreciate honesty and respectfulness, although they can sometimes seem withdrawn. It is important to understand that behind the external restraint lies a deep sense of pride for their country and culture.


We are all the face of Estonia


  • Language level required: B2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Üks kohtumine veebis (zoom) ja üks Tallinna eesti keele majas (Rävala pst 5, 6. korrus)
  • Time: 02.11.2024 kell 10:00 - 16:00
  • Format: Language Practice

Paneme luuletused elama! Tule ja õpi filmi tegema ja lugusid ilmekalt rääkima.

Töötoas õpime kirjutama luuletusi, kuidas leida riime ja oma lugu luulevormis rääkida. Seejärel aga lisame oma loole pildi-äratame oma luuletuse ellu läbi filmi visuaalse keele. Töötoa lõpus toimub luulefilmide esitlus ning õpime ka oma tööd eesti keeles esitlema.

29.10.2024 17.00-19.15 Zoomis
2.11.2024 10.00-16.00 Tallinna eesti keele majas


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


  • Language level required: B2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Üks kohtumine veebis (zoom) ja üks Tallinna eesti keele majas (Rävala pst 5, 6. korrus)
  • Time: 29.10.2024 kell 17:00 - 19:15
  • Format: Language Practice

Paneme luuletused elama! Tule ja õpi filmi tegema ja lugusid ilmekalt rääkima.

Töötoas õpime kirjutama luuletusi, kuidas leida riime ja oma lugu luulevormis rääkida. Seejärel aga lisame oma loole pildi-äratame oma luuletuse ellu läbi filmi visuaalse keele. Töötoa lõpus toimub luulefilmide esitlus ning õpime ka oma tööd eesti keeles esitlema.

29.10.2024 17.00-19.15 Zoomis
2.11.2024 10.00-16.00 Tallinna eesti keele majas


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


  • Language level required: B2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Üks kohtumine veebis (zoom) ja üks Tallinna eesti keele majas (Rävala pst 5, 6. korrus)
  • Time: 05.10.2024 kell 10:00 - 16:00
  • Format: Language Practice

Harjuta giidi ametit ja õpi huvitavalt rääkima oma kodulinnast. Laiendame sõnavara ja tuletame meelde avaliku esinemise ning loo jutustamise põhireegleid. Eneseanalüüs läbi videomaterjali.

25.09.2024 17.00-19.15 Zoomis
5.10.2024 10.00-16.00 Tallinna eesti keele majas


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


  • Language level required: B2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Üks kohtumine veebis (zoom) ja üks Tallinna eesti keele majas (Rävala pst 5, 6. korrus)
  • Time: 25.09.2024 kell 17:00 - 19:15
  • Format: Language Practice

Harjuta giidi ametit ja õpi huvitavalt rääkima oma kodulinnast. Laiendame sõnavara ja tuletame meelde avaliku esinemise ning loo jutustamise põhireegleid. Eneseanalüüs läbi videomaterjali.

25.09.2024 17.00-19.15 Zoomis
5.10.2024 10.00-16.00 Tallinna eesti keele majas


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


  • Language level required: B2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Üks kohtumine veebis (zoom) ja üks Tallinna eesti keele majas (Rävala pst 5, 6. korrus)
  • Time: 28.09.2024 kell 10:00 - 16:00
  • Format: Language Practice

Harjuta giidi ametit ja õpi huvitavalt rääkima oma kodulinnast. Laiendame sõnavara ja tuletame meelde avaliku esinemise ning loo jutustamise põhireegleid. Eneseanalüüs läbi videomaterjali.

25.09.2024 17.00-19.15 Zoomis
5.10.2024 10.00-16.00 Tallinna eesti keele majas


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


  • Language level required: B2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Üks kohtumine veebis (zoom) ja üks Tallinna eesti keele majas (Rävala pst 5, 6. korrus)
  • Time: 28.09.2024 kell 10:00 - 16:00
  • Format: Language Practice

Tule ja harjuta uuriva ajakirjaniku ametit. Kasutame erinevaid allikaid, et intervjuud ettevalmistada. Kohtume huvitava erikülalisega ja õpime tegema teleintervjuud. Eneseanalüüs läbi videomaterjali.

17.09.2024 17.00-19.15 Zoomis
28.09.2024 10.00-16.00 Tallinna eesti keele majas


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide:


  • Language level required: B2+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Üks kohtumine veebis (zoom) ja üks Tallinna eesti keele majas (Rävala pst 5, 6. korrus)
  • Time: 25.09.2024 kell 17:00 - 19:15
  • Format: Language Practice

Harjuta giidi ametit ja õpi huvitavalt rääkima oma kodulinnast. Laiendame sõnavara ja tuletame meelde avaliku esinemise ning loo jutustamise põhireegleid. Eneseanalüüs läbi videomaterjali.

25.09.2024 17.00-19.15 Zoomis
5.10.2024 10.00-16.00 Tallinna eesti keele majas


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: