For the latest updates see
Simplified public tender for in-service training on integrated subject and language teaching methodology for upper secondary-level teachers from educational institutions with Russian as the language of instruction
A simplified public tender will be launched in 2009 to find an organiser for in-service training for upper secondary-level teachers from educational institutions with Russian as the language of instruction on integrated subject and language teaching methodology.
The aim of the tender is to organise a 72-hour methodology-based in-service training course between September and December 2009 for up to 100 upper secondary-level subject teachers.
For further information please contact: Maarja Mänd, Coordinator, Multicultural Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9853 / E-mail:
“Intercultural communication training” public procurement
A public procurement will be launched in June for the development of a training programme and the training of 50 state and local government officials in the area of intercultural communication.
The goal of the training is to create an environment at the state and local government level for citizens of third countries and new immigrants which supports integration by increasing the competence of state and local government officials in the area of intercultural communication.
The procurement procedures are being financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals and the Estonian State Chancellery.
For further information please contact: Ruslan Prohhorenko, Coordinator, Civic Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9035 / E-mail:
Integrated subject and language learning and language immersion methodology training
The first cycle of courses of a three-day training course will be held at the Nelijärve Recreation Centre from 8 to 10 June for teachers of Estonian-language subjects from schools with Russian as the language of instruction. The June cycle will include three courses: developing linguistic sub-skills; various teaching methods; and active learning methods. At least one-third of the total volume of the courses will cover topics about supporting teacher and pupil development and other psychological issues.
The course is designed to raise awareness among teachers from schools with languages other than Estonian as the languages of instruction about integrated subject and language learning and language immersion programme methodology and to offer support to teachers working with children whose home languages are not the same as the languages of instruction of their schools.
The trainers will be language immersion programme teachers who have studied to become adult trainers working with interactive methods and Ene Kulasalu, Ene Velström and Anželika Valdre from the Open Mind Institute. The training is being financed by the Ministry of Education and Research as part of an agreement entered into with the Integration Foundation.
For further information please contact: Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator, Multicultural Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9847 / E-mail:
First two groups close to completing in-service training for teachers of Estonian as a second language
The final training modules for the teachers of Estonian as a second language from general education schools and vocational education institutions who began methodology-based in-service training in November 2008 and February 2009 will be held on 8 and 9 June and 10 and 11 June respectively. A total of 80 teachers are taking part in the course.
The subjects covered during the training have focussed on the European language learning framework document and language map; the principles of assessment of language skills; the designation of language levels; the setting of teaching goals and the planning of lessons; grammar-teaching methodology; active learning; and the use of communicative teaching methods.
The final module of the course looks at what the teachers consider to be the most important topic – how to create an environment within the classroom that motivates the students to learn Estonian. Each teacher will also present the methodology-based learning maps they have produced during the course.
The training is being organised by the Multicultural Education Centre of the Integration Foundation as part of the “Language Studies Development 2007-2010” programme financed from the European Social Fund.
For further information please contact: Made Pandis, Coordinator, Multicultural Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9843 / E-mail:
First early language immersion programme students set to graduate
On 18 June students and teachers from the first schools to join the early language immersion programme – Läänemere Secondary School in Tallinn, Mustamäe Secondary School of Humanities, Narva Old Town State School and Kohtla-Järve Secondary School – and the developers of Estonia’s language immersion programme will be celebrating the coming of age of the programme at the Culture Centre Salme in Tallinn (Salme street 12).
The first students immersed in the programme are set to graduate from basic school. The organisers have invited officials from the Ministry of Education and Research, the Integration Foundation and the Canadian embassy and representatives of colleges and universities and local governments to the event. 116 of the original 134 students have successfully completed the 9th grade and thus are eligible to graduate from basic school. Over the years they have been taught by almost 100 teachers.
Celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the language immersion programme began last year with an international conference entitled “The spread of integrated subject and language studies: Multilingualism as the key to coping in a multicultural world”.
For further information please contact: Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator, Multicultural Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9847 / E-mail:
Summer school for teachers of social studies
A summer school for 90 teachers of social studies will be held at Nelijärve from 26 to 28 June.
The course is designed to raise social studies teachers’ awareness of what is happening in the environment through an examination of a series of topical issues. The training will cover media education; the defence of intellectual property; human trafficking; global education; the European Union; and a variety of other important topics. The basic school social studies curriculum will also be reviewed.
The training is being financed by the Ministry of Education and Research as part of an agreement entered into with the Integration Foundation.
For further information please contact: Maarja Mänd, Coordinator, Multicultural Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9853 / E-mail:
Preparation of teachers and teacher training students to work with pupils whose native language is a language other than Estonian
The Integration Foundation has entered into a partnership with the Narva College of the University of Tartu to develop and launch two free subject courses as a pilot course designed for both working teachers and teacher training students. The courses are designed to enable the participants to obtain the knowledge they require to work at general education schools and vocational education institutions with languages of instruction other than Estonian.
The course “Developing skills in the language of study in subject lessons” will be held during the autumn semester in 2009, while the course “Intercultural differences: students with Russian cultural background” will be held during the spring semester in 2010. The autumn course will be held at the Narva College of the University of Tartu. Both courses will be worth 3 CP and comprise contact teaching, independent work and lesson visits. The courses have been designed for 40 participants.
The course is being organised as part of the “Language Studies Development 2007-2010” programme financed through the European Social Fund.
For further information please contact: Ave Osman, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9030 / E-mail:
Study into extension of Estonian-language teaching among Russian-speaking study groups in vocational education institutions completed
The last comparable study into this subject was carried out in 2004. It looks at what kind of language teaching developments have taken place in vocational schools, and whether and how attitudes, motivation and opportunities have changed from the points of view of directors, teachers and students alike. It also examines whether and how different programmes and projects have influenced vocational education, language studies and the acquisition of teaching materials and other additional resources, and whether the goals sought have been reached. The study highlighted the support that schools still require in order for vocational students to be able to manage in their chosen field in Estonian after graduating.
The study was conducted by Turu-uuringute AS at the request of the Integration Foundation and funded as part of the “Language Studies Development 2007-2010” programme financed from the European Social Fund.
For further information please contact: Edydt Johanson, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9842 / E-mail:
Winner of “Publication of preparatory materials for Estonian-language professional examinations” procurement announced
The “Publication of preparatory materials for Estonian-language professional examinations” simplified procurement was won by OÜ Argo TTP.
The aim of this tender was to produce training materials and glossaries for professional Estonian for sales people, hairdressers and beauticians and chefs and wait staff. The procurement also includes audio recordings of listening texts for the training materials.
These activities are being organised as part of the “Language Studies Development 2007–2010”programme, a measure of the “Lifelong Learning” priority of the “Human Resources Development Plan” financed by the European Social Fund.
For further information please contact: Merlin Mägi, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9068 / E-mail:
Free information line for Estonian language students and applicants for Estonian citizenship
May saw the launch of 800 9999, a free hotline providing information about the compensation of costs of Estonian language studies, free Estonian language courses for individuals with unspecified citizenship and citizens of third countries and preparatory courses for the Estonian constitution and Citizenship Act examination. The information line was developed by the Integration Foundation with the support of the Office of the Minister for Population Affairs. People can also call the hotline to register for courses.
Anybody who has passed an Estonian language level examination can apply to have up to 6000 kroons in Estonian language study costs reimbursed. The free Estonian language courses beginning this autumn are open to individuals with unspecified citizenship and citizens of third countries, i.e. those who are citizens of countries other than member states of the European Union, member states of the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and the Swiss Confederation.
Free courses are offered at different levels, starting from 0 and going up to B1. Each course lasts for between 100 and 200 academic hours, depending on the level, with a total of 400 people able to take part in 2009: 200 in Harju County and 200 in Ida-Viru County.
The information line provides information not only about language studies, but also about the free preparatory courses designed for individuals with unspecified citizenship and citizens of third countries who are planning to take the examination of awareness of the constitution and Citizenship Act of the Republic of Estonia. Personal tutoring is available in addition to the group courses, which run for 12 academic hours. 1000 people will be able to take this free course in 2009.
Information is available from the help line in Estonian, Russian and English from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday.
For further information please contact: Tea Tammistu, Coordinator, Civic Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9062 / E-mail:
Free Estonian language courses for individuals with unspecified citizenship and citizens of third countries
The Integration Foundation has launched cooperation with OÜ Multilingua Keelekeskus and OÜ Koolituse Korralduskeskus to conduct Estonian language training courses in Harju and Ida-Viru Counties.
OÜ Multilingua Keelekeskus will be conducting courses in Harju County, while courses in Ida-Viru County will be organised by Koolituse Korralduskeskus OÜ, who will also be responsible for developing a training programme for the courses and training teachers.
The free Estonian language courses beginning this autumn are exclusively open to individuals with unspecified citizenship and citizens of third countries, i.e. those who are citizens of countries other than member states of the European Union, member states of the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and the Swiss Confederation.
The free courses will be offered at different levels, starting from 0 and going up to B1. Each course will last for between 100 and 200 academic hours, depending on the level, with a total of 400 people able to take part in 2009: 200 in Harju County and 200 in Ida-Viru County. People can register for the courses by calling 800 9999.
The courses are being financed through the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals.
For further information please contact: Tea Tammistu, Coordinator, Civic Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9062 / E-mail:
New preparatory materials published for constitution and citizenship examination
In accordance with the changes to the procedure for the conducting of the examination on the constitution and Citizenship Act of the Republic of Estonia for applicants for citizenship which came into effect on 1 March 2009, new preparatory materials have been produced under the guidance of the National Examination and Qualification Centre and the Integration Foundation with the support of the Office of the Minister for Population Affairs.
The main new publication is the handbook “What you need to know if you are applying for Estonian citizenship”, which covers all of the topics applicants are tested on during the examination and which includes sample questions. The booklet also provides an overview of Estonian history and the country today. The handbook is being distributed free of charge at preparatory courses, pre-examination consultations and at examination points of the National Examination and Qualification Centre. The booklet is available online in Estonian, Russian and English from the websites of both the Integration Foundation and the National Examination and Qualification Centre.
Methodology materials have also been produced for the free preparatory courses for the constitution and citizenship examination which are due to begin shortly, as well as worksheets and presentation materials for lecturers.
Individuals with unspecified citizenship and citizens of third countries are entitled to participate in the free courses. People can register for the courses by calling 800 9999.
For further information please contact: Tea Tammistu, Coordinator, Civic Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9062 / E-mail:
Study trip to Denmark
A study trip to Denmark was organised by the Integration Foundation from 13 to 15 May as part of the implementation of the “Estonian integration programme for 2008-2013”. The trip was financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals and the Office of the Minister for Population Affairs.
Those on the trip obtained an overview of the forms of cooperation between state and local governments in Denmark in carrying out integration-based activities and the administration and financing system developed in the country in order to implement integration activities. The participants learned about the new immigrant integration programme and the system for integration into the labour market.
30 people took part in the trip: representatives of local governments in which citizens of third countries reside, representatives of the state agencies involved in the implementation of the integration programme and experts in the field.
The study trip was designed to share information and to learn from the Danish experience in shaping and implementing integration policy. Those on the trip visited the Ministry of Refugees, Migration and Integration, Copenhagen City Government and the Nydansker association, which is involved in integrating new immigrants into the labour market. They also learned about the work of Kommunernes Landsforening, the umbrella organisation of Danish local governments.
For further information please contact: Ruslan Prohhorenko, Coordinator, Civic Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9035 / E-mail: