We invite you to a day of science on 6 May in Narva!

The Estonian language house of Integration Foundation in Narva will be hosting a day of science called ‘River’ in Narva on 6 May. Lectures, workshops, nature trips as well as concerts are scheduled to take place from sunrise to sunset.

‘In addition to teaching Estonian language and culture, the Estonian language house in Narva has made it a priority to create opportunities for the inhabitants of Ida-Virumaa to learn about the world in general as well as the environment surrounding us, all in Estonian,’ said Anna Farafonova, Head of the Narva Estonian language house. ‘The idea of a science day grew out of the programme of the Matsalu Nature Film Festival in Narva, where we invited well-known Estonian researchers to speak. The subject of environmental protection will also be included in the Day of Science: being conscious of who and what exists alongside us and how to preserve it. We wish to make our own contribution to nature protection with this day of science.’

Lectures, workshops, nature trips, and concerts will take place on the Day of Science, from sunrise to sunset. School students will also have the opportunity to watch a film by Fred Jüssi called The Beauty of Being and discuss it with the workers of the Estonian National Museum.

‘Narva is a river-city and the locals will have the opportunity to get to know the birds living on the river bank and see the river by taking the river-tram together with researchers, to learn to capture nature with their cell phones with the guidance of a nature photographer, as well as to listen to great music and stories about the river,’ said one of the project managers, Pille Maffucci, teacher at the Narva Estonian language house. ‘You are very welcome to participate and think along. As the number of participants is limited at some events, we ask you to sign up in advance!’

Programme of the Day of Science ‘River’ on 6 May

5.09 a.m., in the Joaoru beach house or outside out it, depending on the weather
Sunrise with Polina Tšerkassova. Instrumental and river songs in Estonian and Russian
Polina Tšerkassova is an anthropologist, musician, and storyteller, who intertwines true stories from faraway lands and fairytales with her music played on various rare instruments. Polina has been involved in music and storytelling for over 10 years, she studies the effect of stories, sounds, and listening on people, passing on the tradition of oral culture and contemporary storytelling.

6.15 a.m. – 7.30 a.m., at the Swedish lion near the Joaoru beach house
Birdsong promenade with Peep Veedla in Estonian
During this promenade, we will get to know the birds living in the vicinity of the river and learn to recognise their song. Veedla, Estonia’s best-known hobby ornithologist and the author of numerous bird-themed books, has many exciting stories to tell about birds!

2 p.m. – 4.30 p.m., on the first-floor hall of the Joaoru beach house and near the river
Workshop by a nature photographer Jarek Jõepera with a lecture in Estonian: how to take pictures of nature with a cell phone
Jarek Jõepera is a renowned nature photographer (multiple nominee of Nature Photo of the Year, Bloodless Hunt, Sports Photo of the Year, Press Photo of the Year, etc.) and his workshop is based on everyday practice. In the workshop, we will first hear a lecture on composition, after which we will put our knowledge to use by taking pictures with our cell phones ourselves.

5 p.m. – 8 p.m. starting at the Narva river port by the rowing club
A ride on the river-tram Caroline with researchers, on the route Narva−Narva-Jõesuu−Narva, in Estonian (all places are booked!)
During the river-tram ride, we will hear river-related lectures from researchers.

8.15 p.m., on the first-floor hall of the Joaoru beach house
A sunset concert at the Joaoru beach house
The concert will be performed by Erki Pärnoja, the Jazz Composer of the Year 2021. Come and end the Friday with beautiful music and admiring the colours of the sunset!

It is necessary to sign up for each event separately. More information: https://integratsioon.ee/en/day-and-night-science-narva