Presentations from international conference on integration 2023

“Improving Communication with Migrants for Crisis Preparedness: Lessons Learned From COVID-19

Tanya Escudero – Research fellow, School of Humanities, Tallinn University (Estonia) 

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“The long-term impact of Ukrainian war refugees on Estonia

Märt Masso – Expert of the Foresight Centre (Estonia) 

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“Problems of forced migration: Social and Economic Aspects

Britta Saks – moderator, Head of the Adaptation Program at the Integration Foundation (Estonia) 

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“Refugee Crisis Challenges of the EU: Social and Economic Aspects”  

Sona Kalantaryan – Associate Professor, University of Turin (Italy) 

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“Speaking Swedish – The Role of Language Skills in an Integration Support Project”  

Hanna Hellgren – Doctoral candidate, School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg (Sweden) 

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 “Integration of Bosnians – On the Move”

Kemal Nedžibović – Communications Associate, UNDP (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 

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“Needs, Intentions and Integration Challenges of Displaced Populations

Marian Benbow Pfisterer – Acting Head of the IOM Country Office for Estonia (Austria) 

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 “War Refugee Integration: Academic Approach vs. Practice” 

Anne Maisvee – moderator, Integration and Inclusion Lead, IOM Country Office in Estonia

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“The societal integration of Ukrainian war refugees in Switzerland since March 2022: Structural problems, missed opportunities and possible improvements

Gina Balsiger – Co-Founder, Büro Exchange & Cooperation BEC GmbH (Switzerland) 

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“Psychosocial integration: Supporting war refugee integration through a trauma-informed lens” 

Sara Cook – Steering Committee Member, Women Mediators Across the Commonwealth (The United Kingdom) 

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 “Refugees Integration in Central Europe: What is the Role of the Discourses surrounding Immigrants and Refugees

Jan Kovář – Deputy Research Director, Institute of International Relations Prague (Czech Republic) 

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“Best Integration Practices for the European Union and beyond” 

Kristjan Kaldur – moderator, Program manager at the Institute of Baltic Studies (Estonia) 

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“Keeping the Faith: Challenges in an Era of Political Stress” 

Vello Pettai – Director, European Centre for Minority Issues (Germany)

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“ENABLE Project as a way of Best Integration Practices for the European Union and beyond

Ercan Küçükarslan – Project Manager, Mamak District Directorate of National Education 

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“‘Good practices’: Quality criteria and adaptability

Alexander Wolffhardt – Deputy Director, Migration Policy Group 

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 “Effective inclusion of refugees: Participatory approaches for practitioners at the local level” 

Karolis Žibas – Integration Officer, UNHCR Representation for the Nordic and Baltic Countries (Sweden) 

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 “Social Cohesion and State Security: Where Is the Line?” 

Oksana Belova-Dalton – moderaator, Research Fellow in International Relations, University of Tartu (Estonia) 

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 “Who are "our people" in times of war?” 

Raivo Vetik – Professor of Comparative Politics, Tallinn University (Estonia) 

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 “Russia´s Exodus after the 24th of February 2022

Olga Gulina – Senior Researcher, Benefit Research & Consulting GmbH (previously Institute on Migration Policy) (Germany) 

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The New Minority. People Without a Migration Background in the Superdiverse City

Maurice Crul – Professor of Sociology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands)

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Estonia's Integration Capacity During Crises 

Estonian politicians Eduard Odinets (Social Democratic Party), Jaak Valge (Estonian Conservative People’s Party), Katrin Kuusemäe (Reform Party), Kristjan Järvan (Isamaa), Züleyxa Izmailova (Estonia 200) and Vadim Belobrovtsev (Estonian Centre Party) will discuss Estonia's integration capacity during crises. The debate is moderated by the Johannes Tralla (Journalist for Estonian Public Broadcasting). 

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Speech of Dmitri Moskovtsev, Director of the Integration Foundation, at the integration conference 

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Speech of Eda Silberg, Undersecretary for Cultural Diversity at the Ministry of Culture, at the integration conference 

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