Add your event

The Year of Cultural Diversity calendar welcomes all events that highlight Estonia's cultural diversity and take place between 1 January and 31 December 2024. Just as cultural diversity starts with each and every one of us, a year dedicated to this value starts from our activities. Add your event to the calendar of the Cultural Diversity Year – share the opportunity to celebrate the cultural diversity of Estonia!

For more instructions on how to add an event, click on this link.

General information
Time of the event
E.g. Integration Foundation
E.g. Rävala pst 5, 10143 Tallinn
One JPG, JPEG or PNG file up to 2 MB, with min. dimensions 675x350px. Use logo and other visuals of the Cultural Diversity Year
Upload requirements
Main language of the event (e.g. English, Estonian, Ukranian)
Add only one block of a text. Use ALL CAPS to stress out the most important
Organiser e.g. Ministry of Culture
E.g. Eero Raun
E-mail of a person who can give an additional information about the event and receive according notifications (e.g.
Country calling code and telephone number e.g. +372 2024 2024
Organisational information