Newsletter: June 2022

Table of Contents:

Irene Käosaar: Let us carry on together!

The first free Estonian language courses of the season will already begin in July

A call for students whose first language is not Estonian to participate in a summer school and gain work experience in the public sector!

Once again, language cafés opened their doors all over Estonia

Estonian language-learning opportunities for Ukrainian war refugees

Registration for courses on the constitution of Estonia and the Citizenship Act is open

Summer is the best time for practising Estonian!

Dmitri Moskovtsev will be the new Director of the Integration Foundation

The Integration Foundation is looking forward to applications for integration awards

Calls for tenders and proposals


Irene Käosaar: Let us carry on together!

Irene Käosaar. Foto: Postimees / Andres HaabuSummer is finally about to arrive and we can close another academic year. This will also mark the end of my work at the foundation. The past five years have been meaningful, full of challenges and successes.

In this past five years:
* the team of the Integration Foundation has expanded from twentyone to fifty-one employees,
* we transferred the headquarters of the foundation to Narva and moved into new premises specially renovated for us in Narva as well as in Tallinn,
* we have opened Estonian Language Houses in Tallinn and Narva, expanded their activities to the parishes of Lüganuse and LääneHarju, and organised many different projects in very different local municipalities in Estonia,
* the number of the ministries funding us has increased from two to five, while our budget has more than doubled,
* we have strengthened our position as a competence centre and as the opinion leader in our sector,
* we have quickly and flexibly responded to the coronavirus and Ukrainian war crises and are prepared to review our plans and implement changes openly, rapidly, and meaningfully,
* the satisfaction surveys conducted inhouse and among our partners, the analysis of the impact of the Estonian Language Houses, and our own risk analysis show that the institution has a healthy organisational culture and a good sense of mission and is highly regarded among our partners – we are doing the right thing in the right way, are flexible and prepared to learn from experience.

Our last year’s management report provides a better overview of our activities. 

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the partners, colleagues, friends, and of course my loved ones, my family – I have experienced priceless faith, attention and care, as well as acceptance of all my strengths and mistakes throughout those years. And now let us carry on together from a slightly new position – due to the shared values, the Narva State Gymnasium will undoubtedly become a strong partner for the foundation.

Photo: Postimees / Andres Haabu


The first free Estonian language courses of the season will already begin in July

PraktikaprogrammThe Integration Foundation will be offering over 2,000 places for learning Estonian language for permanent residents as well as new migrants over the summer and autumn. Estonian can be studied for free all over Estonia.

In July and August, we will be organising 120-hour A2, B1, and B2 level language courses in Tallinn, Narva, Kohtla-Järve, Sillamäe, Tartu, and Pärnu, as well as online courses all over Estonia.

From 8 August, those interested can choose between A2, B1, B2, and C1 level language courses in Tallinn, Tartu, Valga, Pärnu, Jõhvi, Sillamäe, Tapa, and Ahtme, as well as online.

The courses will be funded from the state budget through the Ministry of Culture and from the European Social Fund within the framework of action 5.2.1 ‘Integration trainings’ funded from project no. 2014-2020.2.06.004005006.01.15-0001 ‘Activities Supporting Integration in Estonian Society’.

The Estonian Language Houses in Narva and Tallinn will also be providing courses at different levels in Tallinn and Narva from the middle of September, as well as in the parishes of Lääne-Harju and Lüganuse for the first time.

The public registration to the courses beginning in July will be opened in the self-service environment of the Integration Foundation at the end of June, with the other courses added in due time. The opening of the registration will be announced separately on our website and through social media.

A call for students whose first language is not Estonian to participate in a summer school and gain work experience in the public sector!

KeelekohvikPublic sector agencies have teamed up and are welcoming students whose first language is not Estonian to come and see what happens in the public sector, gain knowledge at the summer school, and obtain work experience.

The Integration Foundation along with the Ministry of Culture is starting a programme where public sector agencies offer work experience for students whose first language is not Estonian. The aim of the project is to introduce to young people the job opportunities at state agencies and to encourage them to apply for positions in the public sector in the future.

Trainees are welcome at the Government Office, Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Culture, Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate, Land Board, Health Board, Health Insurance Fund, Emergency Response Centre, Estonian Police and Border Guard Board, and the Integration Foundation. The work-experience tasks are related to, for example, the topics of data protection, management of state assets, environmental health, the employer’s branding, and other areas.

Students of various fields of study can apply if their first language is not Estonian. The applicants are expected to have a very good Estonian language skill, interest in the field, positive attitude, and preparedness for an interesting challenge. Information about the work experience offers and application requirements are available on the website Deadline for applications is 27 June.

The work-experience programme will take place for the third time. A total of 21 young people whose first language is Russian, Estonian Russian, German, Azerbaijani, and Turkish have completed the work-experience programme at various ministries and state authorities.

For the first time, the Integration Foundation along with the Ministry of Culture is organising a public sector summer school for students whose first language is not Estonian and its activities take place from 22 to 25 August in the city centre of Tallinn.

The summer school raises the awareness of students about the possibilities of working in the public sector and teaches skills necessary for applying to exciting positions at state or local government agencies.

The participants will visit different agencies and discuss the functions of the public sector. The topics involve working, career opportunities and success stories in the public sector, writing a good CV and motivation letter, and much more. You can also expect joyful communication and new contacts.

Applications are open for all students who are finishing at least their second year at an Estonian university, whose first language is not Estonian, who wish to expand their horizons, see their future in Estonia, and wish to meet other active young people. The deadline is 8 August!

Once again, language cafés opened their doors all over Estonia

Teenused Ukraina sõjapõgenikeleThe language cafés provide support for independent Estonian studies and a chance to practice to those who want to speak the language – supplement their vocabulary, practice independent learning, and chat on everyday topics in a relaxed environment. Language cafés are held all over Estonia free of charge.

Situations and topics that arise in daily life are discussed at the cafés. These include subjects like introducing yourself, looking for work, self-improvement, communicating with colleagues, travelling, enjoying hobbies, celebrating special occasions and anniversaries, as well as everyday situations, such as attending doctor’s appointments and dealing with officials.

You can get acquainted with the schedule and registration information of language cafés on the website of the Integration Foundation. The schedule is constantly updated.

Language cafés are held every week all over Estonia: In Tallinn, Maardu, Narva, Sillamäe, Kohtla-Järve, Jõhvi, Narva-Jõesuu, Tartu, Pärnu, and Valga. There is also an online language café held twice a week.

Language cafés are supported from the resources of the ‘Development and implementation of advisory and information system’ activity 5.1 of the ‘Activities supporting integration in Estonian society’ project nr 2014-2020.2.06.004005006.01.15-0001 of the European Social Fund.


Estonian language-learning opportunities for Ukrainian war refugees

KoolitusThe Integration Foundation and our Estonian Language Houses are preparing opportunities for the refugees who have arrived from Ukraine to learn Estonian on a basic level and offer counselling in language learning as well as adapting. Information sessions are organized for refugees and introductory videos have been made.

From summer, up to 10,000 recipients of temporary protection will be able to take part in A1-level Estonian language courses as well as an adaptation programme. It is possible to sign up for Estonian courses after having received a residence permit on the basis of temporary protection and after the Police and Border Guard Board have notified the recipient by email regarding the opportunity to participate in language learning. In addition to teaching Estonian at the A1 level, the state will begin offering a one-day adaptation programme to the recipients of temporary protection starting from summer.

Various free portals and applications can be used to learn Estonian independently. Estonian Language Houses offer web-based support to the war refugees who have begun learning Estonian independently and are in need of practical advice related to planning language learning, helpful materials, language-learning techniques, and staying motivated. Please contact the Integration Foundation’s counsellors by calling the free number +372 800 9999 or writing an email to to take part in online counselling groups.

The recipients of temporary protection are also welcome to the Integration Foundation’s counselling and they will be helped in choosing the most suitable opportunities for language learning and practicing. In addition, the counsellors will offer advice on other topics related to adapting, including regarding corresponding services and support. For counselling, we ask you to set a time by sending us an email at or by calling the free number +372 800 9999 (when calling from abroad, call +372 6599025). We will conduct consultations both face to face and through virtual channels (Skype, Zoom, Teams).

Additional information on the Integration Foundation’s services for war refugees can be found HERE.

Registration for courses on the constitution of Estonia and the Citizenship Act is open

Keelemajade suvetegevusedThe Integration Foundation is welcoming participants to the free courses on the constitution and the Citizenship Act. The courses will start in July. You can register for the courses, which will take place in different regions of Estonia, at

The courses are intended for adult permanent residents or newly arrived immigrants whose first language is not Estonian and who wish to apply for Estonian citizenship and prepare for the exam on the constitution and the Citizenship Act.

The courses focus on Estonian state institutions and their functioning, the obligations, opportunities, and freedoms arising from the constitution, and the content and nature of the Citizenship Act. At the end of the course, participants will prepare for the exam.

The courses will take place from July to 15 December. During this period, at least a total of 204 people can take part in the course free of charge. The courses consist of 18 academic hours of learning. The courses take place in at least four Estonian counties and online.

The course plan is available on the website of the Integration Foundation. The course plan is updated and supplemented with new courses on a monthly basis.

If you want to apply for Estonian citizenship, you can also learn Estonian for free to reach B2 level. Read more here.

The courses on the constitution of Estonia and the Citizenship Act are financed by the Ministry of the Interior.

Summer is the best time for practising Estonian!

Dmitri MoskovtsevDuring the summer months, we welcome everyone who have studied Estonian independently or with a teacher to maintain and practice their language skills!

The Estonian language houses in Narva and Tallinn offer great opportunities for practising Estonian in June and August. There will be excursions, trips, museum visits, and language camps. Using the method of tandem studies, this summer, you can once again participate in the Nelijärve Estonian-Russian tandem camp and in the Palamuse Estonian-English tandem camp: you can still apply for the latter until 26 June!

Similarly to previous years, the language roulette will be rolling again this summer. As a celebration of the Year of Libraries, the virtual meetings will be broadcasted only from libraries. On 28 June, they will be broadcasted from Tallinn. As this year, the representatives of the Estonian language house are also available in Lüganuse parish and Lääne-Harju parish, on 26 July, all the participants are virtually welcomed to Kiviõli and on 23 August, to Paldiski.


The event calendar of the language houses can be found here: The language-practising events can be registered to via the self-service environment where all events of the current month are open for registration and the events of the following month are displayed for making plans.

The exciting projects of the language houses can also be kept up with on Facebook: become a follower of the language houses of Tallinn and Narva!

Dmitri Moskovtsev will be the new Director of the Integration Foundation

Lõimumispreemiate tseremooniaThe Supervisory Board of the Integration Foundation elected Dmitri Moskovtsev as the new director of the foundation as a result of a public competition. The new director will take office on 1 July. The current director Irene Käosaar will become the headmaster of the new Narva Estonian State High School.

Dmitri Moskovtsev has been working in the Ministry of Finance since 2017 as a project manager in the field of public administration. In 2014–2017, Dmitri Moskovtsev worked in the Tallinn City Centre Government as the Chief Specialist of the City Property Department. He has actively contributed to social activities, being the founder and organiser of the TEDxLasnamäe conference in 2014–2018.

Dmitri Moskovtsev holds a bachelor’s degree in politics and governance and a master’s degree in political science from Tallinn University. In addition, he has completed a number of refresher training courses in management and policy-making.

The Integration Foundation is looking forward to applications for integration awards

Lõimumispreemiate tseremooniaApplications are welcome to the Integration Foundation for receiving awards for projects carried out in the field of integration. The deadline for applications is September 1st.

The integration prize fund is EUR 4,000. The prizes will be awarded in four categories and the best project promoter of each category will receive a prize of EUR 1,000.

Applications for awards can be submitted in the following categories:

  • The building blocks of integration (acknowledging the cultural diversity of Estonia and the targeted long-term activities to promote integration);
  • Bridge Builder of the Year (implementation of cooperation projects between native Estonians and non-Estonian residents);
  • Message Carrier of the Year (development of attitudes supporting integration through the media);
  • Spark of the Year (implementation of outstanding activities in the field of integration).


Applications can be submitted in several categories, but in this case, different projects or activities must be proposed in each category. The competition is for the projects or activities which were initiated on or after 1 September last year and will be completed by the end of August this year at the latest; there are no time limits applicable to the category of ‘The building blocks of integration’.

The full information about the competition and application form can be found HERE (in Estonian)

The awards are funded by the Ministry of Culture. The names of the prize-winners will be published on the website of the Integration Foundation and the awards will be presented at the end of 2022.

The photo shows the winners of the 2021 integration awards

Calls for tenders and proposals

A public procurement ’Introducing the Estonian cultural space to less integrated permanent residents and new immigrants’ was issued with a deadline of 12 July. Applications are open until the beginning of September for 2022 laureates of the areas of integration in four different categories.

Information on the announced calls is published on the Integration Foundation's website.

Our calendar

Information on events that take place by our organisation, participation or support, can be found in the calendar published on our website.

Our news

You can read the latest announcements of the Integration Foundation in the news section of our website and on the Facebook page of the Integration Foundation or the Estonian Language House.