MAY 2015

Application round for Estonian language and culture studies in families and camps to open in May
Integration Foundation supports projects for development of shared national identity in Estonia
Preparations underway for Estonian-language training of teachers from Ida-Viru County
Cultural integration seminar held in Narva
Series of events showcasing Ukrainian arts to be held in May

Application round for Estonian language and culture studies in families and camps to open in May

The Integration and Migration Foundation awaits applications for the organisation of Estonian language and culture studies for young people aged 7-19 in project camps and within families.

“This summer and autumn we’re hoping to offer at least 20 youngsters the chance to practise their Estonian while staying with an Estonian-speaking family,” explained Jana Tondi, an area manager from the Development Centre. “Our experience is that there’s always a lot of interest in language and cultural studies within families, and demand is always high. Not only does it give the kids a chance to hone their language skills and take part in joint activities, but they often also make real friends who keep in touch even after the week they spend together as part of the project.”

Tondi added that applications are also open for the organisation of Estonian language and culture studies at six-day camps for at least 20 young people. “Our aim is for the camp programme to offer those attending them a range of interesting and useful activities that support non-formal Estonian language learning – whether that’s sports, art, culture or handicrafts,” she said.

The project is aimed at young people in the 7-19 age bracket for them to practise Estonian in a non-formal environment. The budget for the competition is 20,221 euros. The deadline for the submission of projects is 25 May 2015. For those interested in applying, an information event will be held from 11:00-13:00 on 18 May at the foundation’s offices at Lõõtsa 2a, Tallinn (8th floor). Please register in advance for the event by e-mailing

More information about the terms and conditions of the competition and the required documentation can be found on the website of the Integration Foundation.

Organisation of the competition is being supported from the state budget via the Ministry of Culture.

The contact person for the competition is Jana Tondi – telephone: +372 659 9069 / e-mail:

Integration Foundation supports projects for development of shared national identity in Estonia

The Integration and Migration Foundation has launched a project competition entitled ‘Development of a shared national identity and promotion of Estonian citizenship and human rights’.

“The competition’s open to projects that help shape a shared national identity, endorse Estonian citizenship and recognise human rights,” explained Liilika Raudhein, a coordinator from the Implementation Centre. “They should also support and promote the equal treatment of people from different ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. For example, we’ll be financing projects that foster cooperation and networking between organisations that focus on equal treatment and that contribute to the integration of the young adults living in Estonia who speak Estonian and other languages.”

Raudhein gave digital platforms, training events, conferences and roundtables supporting integration as examples of projects that could receive funding, adding that analysis and studies were also eligible.

Applications are open to legal entities registered in Estonia. The total budget for the competition is 21,500 euros. The deadline for applications is 19 May 2015.

For those interested in applying, an information day will be held at 11:00 on 12 May at the foundation’s offices at Lõõtsa 2a, Tallinn. The event will focus on the terms and conditions of the competition. Please register for the event by e-mailing The competition guidelines and terms and conditions can be found on the Integration Foundation website.

The competition is being financed from the state budget via the Ministry of Culture.

For further information, please contact: Liilika Raudhein, coordinator, Implementation Centre | Telephone: +372 659 9841 | E-mail:

Preparations underway for Estonian-language training of teachers from Ida-Viru County

The Integration and Migration Foundation is to organise Estonian language training at the B2 and C1 levels for 195 teachers in Ida-Viru County between August 2015 and March 2016.

“Given the on-going need for such training, we’ve been working with the Ministry of Education and Research and the Language Inspectorate to look for ways of improving teachers’ Estonian skills,” explained Jana Tondi, an area manager from the Development Centre. “We’re really happy that our plans are working out. The ministry has the resources needed to support Estonian courses for 195 teachers from pre-schools, general schools and vocational schools in Ida-Viru County. Discussions are happening in Narva and Jõhvi at the moment to determine their needs and wishes, and we’ll be making a start on putting the groups together soon.”

The language courses will be divided up into 15 groups, with classes being held twice weekly. There will also be intensive training days, lasting up to six hours each, twice a month. There will be tests before and after each course, and a level exam will be taken by each participant during the training period (in either November 2015 or February 2016).

Language courses for pre-school teachers will be held in Narva (three groups), Sillamäe (one group) and Kohtla-Järve (two groups). Courses for general school teachers will be held in Narva (three groups), Sillamäe (one group), Jõhvi (one group) and Kohtla-Järve (one group). Courses for vocational school teachers will be held in Narva (one group), Sillamäe (one group) and Jõhvi (one group).

The aim is for up to 80% or 156 of the teachers who complete the course to have passed their level exam by spring 2016. The Integration Foundation will launch a public procurement in May to find a service provider for the language courses. Training events for the language trainers are planned to be held in June. The foundation itself will be responsible for finding suitable venues, organising catering and appointing trainers. Estonian language training is financed by the Ministry of Education and Research via the state budget.

For further information please contact:
Jana Tondi
Area manager, Development Centre
Integration and Migration Foundation
Telephone: +372 659 9069

Cultural integration seminar held in Narva

The Narva office of the Integration and Migration Foundation at the Keres Centre played host to a cultural integration seminar on 21 April which showcased the activities of the ESF programme and the current areas of operation of the foundation and which discussed best practice.
The day was opened by mayor of Narva Eduard East, who encouraged the attendees to think more about the issue and to talk about local problems. Dmitri Burnašev, the director of the Integration Foundation, outlined the new structure and growing capabilities of the foundation and shared his thoughts on the ability of Estonian society at present to address integration issues. 

Jana Tondi, an area manager with the Integration Foundation, talked about the main language and cultural immersion activities related to the ESF programme for 2015 and also led a think tank on locals’ vision of the most needed activities in terms of practising non-formal language studies today.

During the second half of the day, Kätlin Kõverik from the advisory centre outlined the advisory services that the Integration Foundation provides, including the need for such services, what they actually involve and existing and planned services. She also asked those present to share their own advice regarding the types of advisory services most likely to be of interest to and needed by locals.

Also taking part in the seminar was Evelin Koppel, a representative of the Archimedes Foundation’s Youth Agency, who spoke about the ‘Youth meetings’ pilot project launched this year. The project aims to foster communication, understanding and development among young people aged 11-16 who live in Estonia but speak different languages.
As the day came to a close, Natalja Kitam, the area manager for media with the Integration Foundation, shared information about key media and cooperation activities planned for 2015 in regard to integration. She also offered the attendees practical tips on dealing with the media.

The day was summed up by Aleksandr Aidarov, an adviser from the Cultural Diversity Department of the Ministry of Culture. He highlighted the most interesting proposals made during the day’s discussions, such as tandem study opportunities, non-formal language and cultural immersion clubs for adults and the creation of interest-based groups and opportunities for cooperation for young people so as to support language studies, which locals need and are interested in.

The seminar was held within the framework of the language and cultural immersion sub-activity of the ‘Development and provision of an integration programme’ activity of the ‘Activities supporting integration in Estonian society’ ESF programme.

Series of events showcasing Ukrainian arts to be held in May

The Association of Ukrainian Organisations in Estonia will be overseeing a number of events in May which will offer everyone interested the chance to find out more about the works of Ukrainian collectives in a variety of artistic fields.

The Ukrainian cultural education society Prosvita invites everyone to a special concert in the Kaja cultural centre in Mustamäe on 16 May. Admission is free of charge.

From 29-31 May the Association of Ukrainian Organisations in Estonia will be hosting the international ‘Ukrainian Flowers 2015’ creative festival for children and young adults in Tallinn. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the festival. The organisers are inviting anyone interested to come along and watch or even take part as children take to the stage as artists and heroes from Ukrainian stories, make traditional Ukrainian dolls known as motankas and showcase their own art works to visitors.

All collectives whose repertoires include Ukrainian national art are welcome to present it at the event. Registration is open until 20 May by e-mailing

Festival programme

29 May

 • 13:30 – Official opening

Venue: Mustjõe Secondary School (Paldiski mnt 38, Tallinn). Admission is free of charge.

30 May

 • 11:00-12:00 – Song masterclass
 • 12:30-13:30 – Motanka doll workshop

Venue: Mustjõe Secondary School (Paldiski mnt 38, Tallinn). Admission is free of charge.

 • 18:00 – Gala concert
Venue: Lindakivi Cultural Centre (Koorti 22, Tallinn). Admission is free of charge.

For further information please contact:
Vladimir Palamar | Telephone: +372 600 6768 | E-mail: | Website:

Kristina Pirgop, area manager, Development Centre | Telephone: +372 659 9024 | E-mail: