Welcoming programme Settle in Estonia

Welcoming programme Settle in Estonia offers support for easier transition to foreigners who have arrived in Estonia. The programme consists of several courses that together provide an overview of the way of life in Estonia, assist with everyday issues, and teach Estonian. During the courses, the newcomers can meet people who will help cope with the accompanying changes.

The welcoming programme is available to the following people who have lived in Estonia less than five years:

  • foreigners who have been granted an Estonian temporary residence permit in accordance with the Aliens Act or the Act on Granting International Protection to Aliens;
  • citizens of the European Union who have been granted an Estonian temporary residence permit in accordance with the Citizen of the European Union Act;
  • family members of the citizens of the European Union who have been granted an Estonian temporary residence permit in accordance with the Citizen of the European Union Act.

The welcoming programme is free for participants.

What can I gain from participating in the welcoming programme?

The courses of the welcoming programme help acquire Estonian at the A1 or A2 level. In addition to learning the language, the courses cover other important topics, such as Estonian culture, traditions, school system, healthcare, legal system, working conditions, etc. During the courses, you will be taught practical skills; for example, you will learn to open a bank account, look for a job, use online services, etc.

In addition, the courses of the welcoming programme help meet others who have relocated to Estonia, share your experiences, and network, which along with the knowledge acquired during the courses help create a support system and adapt to the local life better.

Who organises the welcoming programme?

Starting from 2023, the welcoming programme is organised by the Integration Foundation. About the changes, team, and organisation of work: link to the article.

How can I participate in the welcoming programme?

The courses and course schedule of the welcoming programme is available on the web page www.settleinestonia.ee. There, you can also register for courses. Announcements about the courses are updated constantly on the Facebook account of the programme: www.facebook.com/settleinestonia/.

Where can I find additional information?

Information that is helpful when adapting to life in Estonia is available on the web page of the welcoming programme at www.settleinestonia.ee. An overview of current topics or changes is available on the Facebook page of the programme: www.facebook.com/settleinestonia/.

If you have any additional questions about the welcoming programme or other issues related to settling in Estonia, please e-mail us at info@settleinestonia.ee.


Photo: Brita Saks (right), Head of Adaptation at the Integration Foundation and assistant Aleksandra Klepikova