Kabardian Sunday School

Kabardian Sunday School

This school was founded in 2006.

The main aim of its curriculum is to teach the culture of the peoples living in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic. Without knowledge of customs, laws, history and rules of behaviour, culture cannot be understood, developed and preserved or introduced to others.

No less important a part of the school’s teaching is its language lessons. The Kabardian language is taught using a number of methods, both traditional (using sample texts and primers and compiling dictionaries) and more playful (making handicrafts and learning songs).

By staging dances, the students learn about music, costumes and ornamentation, as well as characteristic movements, which are worded in Kabardian. The students showcase their skills in open lessons.

Preparations for and celebrations of special days also form part of the curriculum. Excursions are organised to Estonian museums so as to compare the lives of Estonians and Kabardians and find similarities.

Anyone between the ages of 3 and 18 is welcome to attend the Sunday school, with parents applying on their behalf.

Students from the school have won a number of prizes in competitions held in Estonia and abroad for their presentations of Kabardian songs and dances.