JULY 2010



Company sought to provide training on integrated studies methodology
The foundation is launching a simplified public procurement entitled “In-service training on integrated subject and language studies (ISLS) methodology: learning strategies” in order to find a company to organise a training course.The deadline for submission of applications is 11:00 am on 8 July 2010.
The procurement is designed to provide at least 55 upper secondary school teachers from educational institutions with Russian as the language of instruction with 78 hours of in-service training. The course is designed to support the participants in obtaining the knowledge of integrated subject and language studies methodology and the language skills they need for their professional work.
The course will examine the principles of the ISLS methodology, ways it can be implemented, learning strategies and methods, setting goals, ways of supporting and developing language studies in subject lessons and other issues related to the field.
Applications should be submitted in Estonian and meet the requirements set out in the procurement documents, which can be obtained from the offices of the Integration and Migration Foundation at Liimi 1, 10621 Tallinn. The procurement documents can be issued in person, by post or via e-mail (contact maarja.mand@meis.ee).
For further information please contact: Maarja Mänd, Coordinator, Multicultural Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9853 / E-mail: maarja.mand@meis.ee
5th public report on language immersion programme nears completion
The latest public report on the language immersion programme is currently being compiled. The report will again present the historical background to the programme before setting out its latest achievements, new goals and recently joined partners.
The report will also introduce the language immersion programme strategy for 2009–2014 and provide an overview of activities and achievements involving teachers: the advisory system for language immersion teachers, the development of e-learning resources and more.
Although the report is still being compiled, there is little doubt that the language immersion programme team and its partners can look back on recent academic years with satisfaction.
Previous language immersion reports are available on the foundation’s website at www.meis.ee/kymblus_aastaraamatud.
For further information please contact: Karin Piirsalu, Coordinator, Multicultural Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9854 / E-mail: karin.piirsalu@meis.ee
21 projects receive support as part of “Let’s Do It Together” competition
The first projects which received funding as part of the “Let’s Do It Together” competition were launched in June. A total of 3.3 million kroons was allocated to the 21 projects. The activities being supported as part of the project are to be launched within the next 15 months.
The competition is designed to boost civic activity and understanding between citizens of the European Union – including Estonian citizens and third-country nationals and those with undetermined citizenship residing in Estonia – through cooperation among civic associations. Communication between people with different legal statuses is also being promoted as part of the project through joint activities, and the membership numbers of civic associations is being boosted.
The competition is being financed by the the European Fund of the Integration of Third-Country Nationals on the basis of the implementation plan of the Estonian Integration Programme 2008–2013.
For further information please contact: Kersti Peterson, Coordinator, Civic Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9034 / E-mail: kersti.peterson@meis.ee
Non-citizens to be informed of ways of obtaining citizenship
The companies which are to receive support for “Promoting ways in which to obtain citizenship”, Part 3 of the “One Media” project competition, were announced at the end of June. They are BDA Consulting OÜ and OÜ Kersti Võlu Koolituskeskus.
The aim of the activities being financed is to inform the parents of those below the age of 15 with undetermined citizenship of the simplified ways in which they can apply for Estonian citizenship for their children and of the conditions for obtaining citizenship.
Family seminars, radio and television advertising, radio programmes and more will be launched in Ida-Viru and Harju Counties this August. Those residing in Ida-Viru County will be informed of the options as part of the competition until next May, while those in Harju County will continue to be informed until the end of this year.
The projects are being financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals and from the budgetary resources of the Ministry of Culture.
For further information please contact: Tea Tammistu, Coordinator, Civic Education Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9062 / E-mail: tea.tammistu@meis.ee
Young people study Estonian at language camps
The Integration and Migration Foundation is supporting the extracurricular Estonian language studies of young Russian speakers residing in the country at language camps and staying with Estonian families though two project competitions.
As part of the programme of integration of third-country nationals in Europe, 104 youngsters up to the age of 18 who permanently reside in Estonia and who are classified as being third-country nationals or of undetermined citizenship according to European Union terms are being given the chance to take part in home stays with Estonian-speaking families. The non-profit organisation Veeda Vaheaeg Võrumaal is organising 14-day home stays with families primarily in Võru County. UNICEF Eesti Fond SA also organises home stays for young people with families all over the country.
Project camps will give 547 young people – half of whom will be acting as mentors – the chance to take part in activities lasting at least 6 days in which the focus of attention will be on learning Estonian through non-formal studies and games. 16 camps will be held in nine counties.
Both the language camps and home stays are designed to develop not only the language skills of the young third-country nationals and young people with undetermined citizenship, but also the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes they need to use Estonian and cope in the Estonian-language environment.
Nine organisations are conducting Estonian language study programmes for young Russian speakers as part of existing camps, financed by the Ministry of Culture. 524 young people, slightly fewer than half of whom will act as mentors, are attending summer camp language programmes at 11 camps. Amongst others, the Russian-speaking youngsters attending the 11–16 July, 26 July–3 August and 16–21 August camps at Remniku will get the chance to take part in the Estonian language programmes in addition to the normal camp programme.
The names of the organisations to which funding has been allocated can be found on the Integration and Migration Foundation website (www.meis.ee/tulemused) by clicking first on “Estonian language studies at youth summer camps” and then on “Estonian language studies at project camps and home stays with Estonian families”.
For further information please contact: Lianne Ristikivi, Coordinator, Culture and Youth Work Unit / Telephone: +372 659 9028 / E-mail: lianne.ristikivi@meis.ee