The Integration Foundation invites everyone to take part in Estonian Language Week activities!

From 4-10 October 2021 the Estonian Institute is inviting the entire world to learn Estonian and teach it to others! Needless to say the Integration Foundation will be joining in on the fun, offering people a number of ways to polish their language skills as part of Estonian Language Week.

GUIDED TOUR OF THE ESTONIA THEATRE (5 October 2021 from 18:00-19:30) 
Led by our team at the Estonian Language Centre in Tallinn, everyone interested will have the chance to explore the Estonia Theatre and the world of opera. We’ll learn all about the world of theatre and opera, finding out how an opera comes to be written and composed and how it reaches the stage. Who plays the most important role – the costume designer, the lighting director, the conductor, the director or the lead soprano or tenor? When is it considered appropriate to applaud?
We’ll get to know all of this from the artists at the National Opera themselves in the form of a fun competition, in the course of which we’ll learn a range of new expressions from the world of theatre. There’ll even be prizes! Language level required is B1. 

APP-BASED URBAN TREASURE HUNT (4.-10. October all over Estonia)
The Estonian Language Centre in Narva is inviting language learners around the country to take part in an urban treasure hunt! This fun app-based game will expand your vocabulary and get you practising your Estonian in the fresh air.
Simply download the ‘Actionbound’ app and search for Eesti keele nädal 2021. Your phone will give you all the instructions you need from that point onwards. During the treasure hunt you’ll need to answer a range of questions, take photos and film short videos. It’s a perfect game to be played in groups with friends or family, but you can also play it alone if you want to. The treasure hunt will start on 4 October, with the winners being announced on 11 October. You can play at any time during Estonian Language Week. Prizes will be drawn among everyone who takes part.

Language enthusiasts are also invited to take part – during Estonian Language Week itself and on an ongoing basis thereafter – in the events organised by the Estonian Language Centres in Tallinn and Narva to hone their skills in the national language. Registration is open for the events via the online calendar at

An overview of all of the events taking place as part of Estonian Language Week can be found on the website of the Estonian Institute.

Tähistame üleilmset eesti keele nädalat: TULE RINGKÄIGULE ESTONIA TEATRISSE!

Photo: Rahvusooper Estonia