Azeri Sunday School

Azeri Sunday School

This school was founded in 1989.

Its main aim is to support Azeri children living in Estonia in learning their mother tongue and finding out about the history and culture of their fatherland. Lessons are held on Azeri language and literature, handicrafts, cuisine, folk dance, history and culture.

Special days in the folk calendar of Azerbaijan are celebrated, including the two most important events, Novruz Bayramı (or Nowruz) and Independence Day. Excursions are also arranged for the students.

Active learning methods are used in lessons as well as games designed to improve language skills.

The ages and language levels of the children attending the school vary, so two groups are run – one for older children and one for younger children. This gives the teacher the opportunity to plan the curriculum according to the needs of the students, while the children get to learn in a smaller group with others whose language skills are at more or less the same level as their own.

Studying at the school makes it easier for the students to later enrol in a university in Azerbaijan, should they wish to do so. For example, two graduates of the Sunday school have gone on to attend the Pedagogical University and Diplomatic Academy in Baku.

Youngsters from the school have also taken part in worldwide seminars organised by the Azeri community and in a range of projects.