APRIL 2011

“Nationalities in Estonia” book series introduces the Chuvash people
Another book from the “Nationalities in Estonia” series has been completed. This time around the Chuvash people are introduced. The authors of the book, Iraida Zahharova and Ita Serman, take us to a place that is considered one of the gems of Volga region and introduce us to a people that holds the simple rules of life in high regard: deep respect for life and all living beings, carrying on customs inherited from ancestors, and the ability to maintain their culture regardless of life’s difficulties.
“Similarity merges. Difference creates an interest to know more.” Based on this idea of Ita Serman, a series of books introducing the customs, culture and life of various nationalities living in Estonia began in 2004 with the help of the former Integration Foundation and present Integration and Migration Foundation Our People. The books published in this series have increased respect among Estonian people for the people of other nationalities residing here in Estonia and vice versa – and the people of ethnic minorities are grateful for the interest expressed in them.
The series helps to promote tolerance and achieve a better understanding of each other. The book is intended to be used in history and social education classes in general education schools. The book is made available for a larger number of readers in libraries.
The publication of this series is supported by the Ministry of Education and Research.
For further information, please contact: Kaie Kullik, Coordinator, Culture and Youth Work Unit, tel 659 9025, e-mail [email protected]
Developing support person services for new immigrants
The first day of training for future support people who will provide support services to new adult immigrants of third-country nationals who have recently arrived in Estonia was held on 24 March.
The project entitled “Development of Support Services for New Immigrants and the Training of Support Persons“ is implemented by BDA Consulting OÜ. The 120 academic hour training programme will be conducted this year from March to October. Those who complete the training will be issued a certificate.
Within the framework of the project, the system of support person services will be developed and 20 support personnel will be trained to work with third-country nationals who have recently arrived in the country. The support personnel will start working in different regions of Estonia. During the project, the support person services will be piloted, through which new immigrants will be given directions and instructed in topics such as employment, health, education and social services.
The project is being financed from the state budget (25%) and the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country nationals (75%) through the Ministry of Culture, in line with the implementation plan of the “Estonian Integration Strategy 2008–2013” development plan. 31,806 euro has been earmarked in support for the project.
For further information, please contact: Ruslan Prohhorenko, Coordinator, Civil Education and Migration Unit, tel 659 9035, e-mail: [email protected]
Briefings on financing opportunities of two European Union Funds for integration activities in Sillamäe and Kohtla-Järve
On 8 April, briefings to introduce the financing opportunities offered by the new “Language Learning Development 2011−2013” programme of the European Social Fund and the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country nationals will be held in Sillamäe and Kohtla-Järve.
Activities that are financed through these funds are coordinated by the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA). The plan of competitions organised by MISA, including the current year’s competitions financed by the European funds, are available on the MISA web page www.meis.ee/konkursside-plaan
Briefings are aimed towards citizens associations and institutions that have received aid or implemented activities as well as those organisations that are yet discovering and seeking opportunities to make their contribution in area of integration. You can register for the Sillamäe event HERE and for the Kohtla-Järve event HERE.
During the briefings, an overview will be given of the planned project competitions and activities to be implemented, which are financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country nationals, the Ministry of Culture, and the European Social Fund.
The principles and requirements of the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals will be explained and issues that may arise when implementing the projects will be discussed during the information day.
Detailed information regarding all 11 activities the new language-learning programme of the European Social Fund will be provided. that are planned for implementation in the next three years and included in
Briefings are being organised by the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture.
Sillamäe briefings are being held at Sillamäe Huvi- ja Noortekeskus ULEI (7 Vladimir Majakovski Street, II floor hall)
Topic:              Financing opportunities offered by the European Social Fund programme “Language Learning Development 20112013”
Presenter:        Eduard Odinets, Head of MISA Lifelong Education Unit, Head of Language Learning Development Programme
Time:               11:00−12:00
Topic:              Financing opportunities offered by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals
Presenter:        Ruslan Prohhorenko, Coordinator, MISA Civil Education and Migration Unit
Time:               12:00−13:00
Kohtla-Järve briefings are being held at Kohtla-Järve Kultuurikeskus (36 Keskallee, II floor, foyer)
Topic:              Financing opportunities offered by the European Social Fund programme “Language Learning Development 20112013”
Presenter:        Eduard Odinets, MISA Head of Lifelong Education Unit, Head of Language Learning Development Programme
Time:               15:00−16:00
Topic:              Financing opportunities offered by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals
Presenter:        Ruslan Prohhorenko, Coordinator, MISA Civil Education and Migration Unit
Time:               16:00−17:00
For further information, please contact:
The European Social Fund: Eduard Odinets, Head of Language Learning Programme, tel 659 9840, e-mail [email protected]
The European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals: Ruslan Prohhorenko, tel 659 9035, e-mail [email protected]
The round for submitting proposals for supplementary Estonian language learning for academic level students is open until 20 April
The target group for the additional language learning is students of academic level who have obtained their secondary education in Estonia and wish to develop the communicative language and the language skills necessary for obtaining higher education regardless of their level of Estonian. For such people, additional supportive learning will be organised from 2011−2013 with the aim of developing the necessary Estonian language and specified language skills for academic level studies.
Institutions of higher education are expected to submit proposals on how they would like to organise additional Estonian language learning activities for their students. The goal is to ensure that as many institutions of higher education as possible would develop Estonian language learning activities using different methods based on the needs and possibilities of their students. The method and cost of teaching are not prescribed. Some institutions may wish to organise a summer school; some may choose to combine speciality and language learning or develop new courses and new teaching aids and carry out pilot courses based on them. The teaching aids developed within the framework of the “Language Learning Development 2007−2010” programme will be also used. At the beginning and end of language learning, the level of Estonian language skills among students will be evaluated. All proposals are welcome.

The Integration and Migration Foundation Our People will hold two proposal-submitting rounds from 4 March to 20 April 2011 and from 1 February to 20 March 2012.

Reviewing with experts the proposals submitted by schools may take up to two months depending on the hours of language learning and number of proposals. Each school is allowed to submit several proposals. It is important to note that the sums intended for language learning will not be transferred to the school’s account but rather to the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People, which will contract the necessary services. The Foundation will work together with experts and the respective school that has made the proposal before contracting any services.
Proposals for cooperation shall be submitted on the required form via e-mail by 20 April. The proposal form and instructions are available on the Foundation’s web page.
Language learning is being financed by the European Social Fund programme “Language Learning Development 2011−2013”.
For further information, please contact: Jana Tondi, Coordinator, Lifelong Education Unit, tel 659 9069, e-mail [email protected]
Submission deadline for proposals for language learning activities for public sector employees is 20April
One activity of the Lifelong Learning priority of the programme is called “Language Learning Development 2011−2013”, which involves language learning for employees of public sector agencies and is financed by the European Social Fund.
Medical staff, police officers, rescue workers, teachers, employees of educational institutions, personal care workers, employees of youth centres, hobby schools, cultural institutions, and public sector agencies are eligible to participate in language learning activities. For the purposes of this programme, public sector agencies are agencies that have been entered into the state register of state and local government agencies and companies and non-profit organisations and foundations under their control or significant influence.
The agencies are due to submit proposals on organising language learning for their employees with consideration for the needs of the particular agency. Proposals must include, among other things, the proposed programme and action plan, its potential organisers, a description of the students’ level of motivation, a description of the employer’s non-monetary contribution (e.g. study rooms, equipment, etc.), and expected costs.
Cooperative activities between different agencies and original, novel proposals are given preference. The submitted proposals will be analysed by an expert committee established by the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People.
The language learning courses last for 60−120 academic hours. Language learning activities must include an adult education approach, study tours, active teaching methods, and practical language learning. When organising language learning, the language learning aids of special areas (e.g. teaching aids in medicine and security, integrated Estonian language learning materials and a teaching aid to introduce Estonia, etc.) developed in 2010 within the framework of “Estonian Integration Strategy 2008−2013” will be used.
Reviewing the proposals submitted by agencies with experts may take up to two months depending on the hours of language learning and number of proposals. Each agency may submit several proposals. It is important to note that the sums intended for language teaching will not be transferred to the account of the agency but rather to the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People, which will contract the necessary services. The Foundation will work together with experts and the respective agency (agencies) that has (have) made the proposal prior to contracting any services.
Proposals for cooperation shall be submitted on the required form via e-mail by 20 April. The proposal form and instructions are available on the Foundation’s web page.
In order to implement the activity, two proposal-submitting rounds will be held: from 4 March to 20 April 2011 and from 1 February to 20 March 2012.
For further information, please contact: Jana Tondi, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit, tel 659 9069, e-mail [email protected]
Career education project launched for students of vocational education institutions whose language of instruction is Russian
The goal of the “Provision of career education services for students of vocational education institutions whose language of instruction is Russian” project is to improve the social skills of young people and their competitiveness in the labour market by improving the quality of career education services designed for students of vocational education institutions whose language of instruction is Russian. The target group of the project includes students of I−III courses who are obtaining vocational secondary education in vocational educational institutions and whose language of instruction is Russian as well as career counsellors of county career centres.
The project is coordinated by the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People. The project is being financed by the European Social Fund and Estonian state through national structural aid within the measure entitled “Development of learner-centered and innovative vocational education and widening lifelong learning opportunities”.
Within the framework of the project, subject syllabuses for I−III courses of vocational education institutions will be developed. The main topics of the course I subject syllabus are self-image, values, skills, capabilities, and roles. Course II is called “The World of Labour“ and will deal with topics such as the changing world of labour, types of vocational trends, being a good employee, various ways to find a job, electronic information sources, the changing labour market, trends, etc. Course III will handle the difficulties on making job-related decisions and the necessary documentation for a jobseeker, the process of applying for a job, job interviews, etc.
To introduce the designed subject syllabuses and materials, a training course for regional counsellors of information and counselling centres and career counsellors of vocational education institutions will be conducted, followed by a pilot career education course for the students of vocational education institutions whose language of instruction is Russian based on the developed subject syllabuses. In addition, career information materials in two languages will be compiled during the project.
For further information, please contact: Reet Kallo, Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit, tel 659 9841, e-mail [email protected]
“Career education courses for working adults with insufficient Estonian language skills” project launched
The Integration and Migration Foundation Our People launched the “Career education courses for working adults with insufficient Estonian language skills” project in March.
During this project, a study programme for career education will be created and teaching aids will be tailored to provide a quality career education course for working adults who speak other languages in Tallinn, Jõhvi, Kohtla-Järve, Narva, and Sillamäe. In order to improve the level of skills and knowledge of career counsellors, refresher courses will be held in Tallinn and Ida-Virumaa. The programme activities will be carried out until the end of 2012.
The project is supported by the “Development of learner-centered and innovative vocational education and widening lifelong learning opportunities” competition round financed by the European Social Fund. The project will be supported with around 100,000 euro.
For further information, please contact: Marje Reimund, Non-staff Coordinator, Lifelong Learning Unit, tel 659 9063, e-mail [email protected]
Another competition for performing arts institutions to be announced
In April, MISA will announce a competition for performing arts institutions entitled “Promoting a common cultural space through cooperative activities”, which is being financed by the Ministry of Culture.
For the third year running, cooperative activities of performing arts institutions whose goal is to promote a common cultural space and efficient integration into Estonian society by engaging Estonians and non-Estonians will be supported through this competition.
Within the framework of the competition, the activities to be carried out for one month that help to implement the goals of the competition – the joint performances of performing arts institutions and simultaneous interpreting – will be supported. All performing arts institutions registered in Estonia that meet the requirements of the competition are welcome to take part in the competition.
The competition is being financed from the state budget through the Ministry of Culture, and the budget of the competition is 67,107 euro. The competition requirements will be published on the MISA web page www.meis.ee
For further information, please contact: Kaie Kullik, Coordinator, Culture and Youth Work Unit, tel 659 9025, e-mail [email protected]
17 umbrella organisations supported through basic funding for cultural societies of national minorities
In March, the results of basic funding for the cultural societies of national minorities were revealed. Altogether, funding to the tune of 313,167 euro was allocated to 17 umbrella organisations.
Only umbrella organisations and their member organisations that have passed the evaluation carried out by the Office of the Minister for Population and Ethnic Affairsorganised in 2008 or evaluations carried out by the Ministry of Culture in 2009 were eligible to apply for basic funding. The respective list is published on the Ministry of Culture web page.
The goal of the competition round is to find cooperation partners for the state amongst the representatives of different nationalities that have gathered under umbrella organisations. The goal of cooperation partners is to introduce the uniqueness of cultures; to support the activities undertaken by the societies of national culture to maintain, promote and introduce their cultural heritage; to acknowledge the multi-cultural environment in Estonia; and to develop cooperation with each other as well as with Estonian cultural societies.
For further information, please contact: Kristina Pirgop, Coordinator, Culture and Youth Work Unit, tel 659 9024, e-mail [email protected]
“Events and materials related to citizen knowledge and tolerance” competition are launched
The Integration and Migration Foundation Our People announced a public project competition entitled “Events and materials related to citizen knowledge and tolerance”.
The goal of the competition is to widen pupils’ knowledge of Estonian society and public law institutions, to value Estonian citizenship and being a citizen, to strengthen the tradition of citizens’ day, and to improve tolerance in multi-cultural collectives.
The competitions will be supported in the Republic of Estonia’s non-profit organisations and state and local government agencies and will include events and materials related to citizen knowledge and tolerance, including the organisation of multi-cultural events, cooperation between young people of different nationalities, producing thematic teaching materials and aids, and more.
The target group of the project is the students of general education schools and vocational education institutions whose language of instruction is Estonian or Russian. All project activities must be carried out in Estonia.
Similar projects have been developed and implemented during competitions in 2003−2009. On these occasions, pupils organised various joint events on many themes, from quizzes marking citizens’ day to events and photo competitions addressing tolerance. Hikes that introduce the topic of citizenship and meetings with interesting national figures, etc. have been organised. School newspapers published by pupils themselves, photo stands, and other items and materials created during other projects by pupils have turned out to be very multi-faceted and interesting.
All these activities have been carried out with the aim of helping pupils to acquire skills to act as citizens and to acquire truths about how to be tolerant.
The competition has continually been supported and will be supported again this year by the Ministry of Education and Research.
For further information, please contact: Toivo Sikk, Coordinator, Language Immersion Unit, tel 659 9850, e-mail [email protected]
New teaching aids for teaching Estonian language in a multi-cultural class
On 20 April, MISA will introduce six new, fresh teaching aids completed in 2010 that support Estonian language learning in a multi-cultural class in Lilleküla Gümnaasium in Tallinn. The teaching aids were primarily developed to teach new immigrant pupils. The publication of these materials was commissioned by the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People.
All six materials have been published primarily for teaching the Estonian language to pupils who have just arrived to Estonia or returned to Estonia from abroad, but they will certainly be helpful to teachers of Estonian as second language. The materials were published for the first time.
Materials to be introduced:
1)      an e-learning material entitled “Estonian language in e-learning. Obtaining of vocabulary”, with an accompanying CD,
2)      a textbook “Write to me” to develop writing skills,
3)      a collection of speech improving pictures “Pictures become words”,
4)      a collection of listening exercises “Listen and do”,
5)      a collection of grammar exercises “Grammar? Yes, with pleasure”, with an accompanying CD,
6)      a collection of reading exercises “Let’s read together”.
The authors of the materials, Leelo Kingisepp, Mare Kitsnik, Kaare Sark, Õie Vahar, Asko Uri, and Helgi Org, will give tips and make suggestions on how to use the materials during the presentation.
In addition, a fresh guide will be introduced on the organisation of education in Estonia entitled “Welcome to the Estonian School!” It has been designed for the parents of pupils who have arrived in Estonia and is published in Estonian and English.
The materials have been published with the support of the European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Education and Research.
These materials will be distributed to schools free of charge by MISA. The materials are primarily intended to support the Estonian language-learning efforts of pupils who have arrived to Estonia from abroad.
For further information, please contact: Ave Härsing, Coordinator, Language Immersion Unit, tel 659 9037, e-mail [email protected] .
Language immersion programme training for kindergartens
The language immersion programme provides an opportunity to join a partial and/or full language integration programme. The Integration and Migration Foundation Our People offers various training courses for the kindergartens that have joined the programme.
Training for kindergarten teachers: Language Immersion ABC (Basic training for new teachers)
Target group: head teachers, group teachers who start working in language immersion groups or who have not yet undergone a language immersion training course. The 1st session will be held on 14-15 April 2011 at Kersti Võlu training centre in Jõhvi. Please register via e-mail at the following address [email protected].
For further information, please contact: Svetlana Belova, Coordinator, Language Immersion Unit, tel 659 9848, e-mail [email protected]
Language immersion programme training course for schools
In 2011, the training activities of the language immersion programme primarily include the implementation of updated study programmes during training sessions to support schools in offering self-development opportunities to their teachers.
The training course will begin in April in Tallinn:
13-14 AprilA teacher’s three hats: subject, language and learning skills”
Target group: subject teachers who work in language immersion classes and wish to receive support as a trainer of learning and language skills.
For further information, please contact: Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator, Language Immersion Programme, tel 659 9847, e-mail [email protected]
The Integration and Migration Foundation Our People has organised a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) month, which will lasts from 10 March to 20 April. Some of the activities and events that will be held this month are discussed below. A full list of the CLIL month events is accessible on the MISA home page www.meis.ee/lak-oppe-kuu.  
CLIL week to bring interesting trainings
The Language Immersion Unit of MISA is organising a CLIL week in Tallinn within the framework of the countrywide CLIL (content and language integrated learning) month. The topic of the week will be “Content and language integrated learning as a method of enriching school culture”.
The main events during the week are various trainings. Training for directors of educational institutions that have joined the language immersion programme will be held from 4-5 April, while training for promoters of education who are interested in content and language integrated learning and for trainers interested in the language immersion programme and CLIL will be held on 6 April and from 7-8 April, respectively.
The trainers are internationally acknowledged CLIL specialists: trainers David Marsh and Oliver Meyer. Anu Virovere will speak about the impact of values education on shaping school culture.
For further information, please contact: Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator, Language Immersion Programme, tel 659 9847, e-mail [email protected]
Information day “Content and language integrated learning in the first stage of study – the key to the future in the revolving school – experience gained from the language immersion programme”
During the CLIL month, the Language Immersion Unit together with the English College will organise an information day entitled “Content and language integrated learning in the first stage of study – the key to the future in the revolving school – experience gained from the language immersion programme” on 19 April in Tallinn.
The topics include the future image, the national study programme as a supportive tool for the revolving school, developments in the context of the demographic situation and multi-cultural environment, and the characteristics of a learning school – openness, creativity, cooperation – as possible topics to be used in a subject class. The speakers will be Einar Värä from the Ministry of Education and Research and Anu Virovere, a management coach. The information day offers participants the opportunity to learn about the teaching aids and possible trainings used in the language immersion programme that support content and language integrated learning.
Teachers and class teachers of the first stage of study who are interested in the language immersion programme and the experience gained by a user of content and language integrated learning and who see CLIL as a solution for working in a renewed class context with pupils whose native language is a different language are welcome to participate in the information day events.
Please register on the information day via the MISA home page
For further information, please contact: Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator, Language Immersion Programme, tel 659 9847, e-mail [email protected]
Tens of education institutions will introduce their activities and experiences during the CLIL month
Many education institutions have responded to the invitation to introduce their activities and experience during the CLIL month. All CLIL month events are listed on the home pages of MISA and the Language Immersion Programme.
Open door days, exhibitions, seminars, and trainings will be arranged. Besides customary Estonian and Russian languages, there will be interesting examples of German, English, Azerbaijan, and other languages.
All are welcome to participate in the events – please read www.meis.ee/lak-oppe-kuu-2011-uritused
For further information, please contact: Maire Kebbinau, Coordinator, Language Immersion Programme, tel 659 9847, e-mail [email protected]