An application round was opened to ensure Ukrainian refugees the opportunity to keep in touch with their culture

On 9 January, the Integration Foundation opened an application round to support the organisation of Ukrainian-language cultural events for young Ukrainian war refugees in cooperation with Ukrainian cultural societies, Estonian NGOs, and cultural institutions, as well as the teaching of Ukrainian language and culture and the publication of children’s and youth literature in Ukrainian. Applications can be submitted until 9 February (included). 

‘Estonia offers Ukrainian war refugees free adaptation training and A1-level language learning courses, so that they can adapt quickly in Estonia and cope until they have the opportunity to return to their homeland. With the new measure, we will keep alive the traditions related to the Ukrainian language and cultural heritage of the refugees, so that when they return to their homeland, they have the opportunity to continue their studies or enrol in a university. From the point of view of integration policy, it is important that the recipients of temporary protection preserve their culture and at the same time adapt to the Estonian cultural space,’ said the Minister of Culture Piret Hartman. 

‘The purpose of the grant is to ensure that young Ukrainian war refugees up to the age of 19 in Estonia have opportunities to keep in touch with the Ukrainian language and culture through community activities. Preserving national identity is important both for the adaptation of Ukrainian youth in Estonia and for returning to their homeland,’ said Ave Härsing, Head of Cultural Diversity at the Integration Foundation.

The budget of the application round is 100,000 euros and up to 15,000 euros can be applied for in one application. Each applicant may only submit one application. The deadline for the submission of applications is 9 February 2023.
The applicant can be a legal entity registered in the Republic of Estonia or a self-employed person registered in the commercial register.

Further information about the terms and conditions of the application round can be found on the website of the Integration Foundation.

The application round is funded by the Ministry of Culture.

The application round is based on Regulation No. 21 of 16 December 2022 of the Minister of Culture ‘Conditions and procedure for providing grants to young Ukrainian war refugees up to 19 years of age to preserve the Ukrainian language and culture’.