A2 and B1 level Estonian language courses for beneficiaries of temporary protection

On Monday, April 22, an opportunity to register for both A2 and B1 level Estonian language courses will open on the website of the Settle in Estonia adaptation programme. The courses are intended for beneficiaries of temporary protection, i.e. war refugees who arrived in Estonia from Ukraine. The courses are free for all participants. 

A total of 28 language learning groups will start, of which 15 are A2 level courses and 13 are B1 level courses. 20 people can study in one group, so there are places for 560 people in total. Language study groups start as follows: 

> in April we offer 200 places in 10 study groups 

> in May we offer 80 places in 4 study groups 

> in June we offer 60 places in 3 study groups 

> in July we offer 80 places in 4 study groups 

> in August we offer 80 places in 4 study groups 

> in September we offer 60 places in 3 study groups 

4 of the 28 courses take place in the city of Tallinn, the rest are online courses and can be attended by anyone from all over Estonia, regardless of location. Courses start at different times of the day - morning, afternoon and evening courses are available. 

Places fill up quickly, so we ask all those who wish to register in time. An account on the Settle in Estonia page is required for registration. If you don't have an account yet, please create one. You can register for a suitable course at the website of the Settle in Estonia adaptation programme: www.settleinestonia.ee.


Take a note:

  • The A2-level Estonian language course lasts an average of 5 months (150 academic hours). The B1-level course lasts an average of 7 months (250 academic hours). To pass the courses, it is necessary to attend at least 80% of the classes and pass the test at the end of the course. Each beneficiary of temporary protection can take the language course of the corresponding level only once.  
  • In order to participate in language studies at the A2 level, it is necessary to know the Estonian language at least at the A1 level and to present a certificate proving previous language studies. Also, when registering for a B1-level course, the requirement that you have completed an A2-level Estonian language course applies. Everyone who has completed previous Estonian language courses through the Settle in Estonia programme can automatically enter the next level course, but registration in the appropriate group is still necessary. If the course has been completed elsewhere (for example at a university, the Unemployment Insurance Fund or one of the following language schools https://bit.ly/keeleamet), you need to send the certificate by e-mail to info@settleinestonia.ee.  
  • Additional information and questions: info@settleinestonia.ee