‘Kalõna’ Ukrainian Saturday School in Valga

‘Kalõna’ Ukrainian Saturday School in Valga

This school was founded in 2009.

Its name comes from Ukrainian and translates as ‘cranberry bush’. Its aim is to preserve and teach the language of the country, preserve its folk culture and create a national communication space.

It teaches Ukrainian language, literature, folk wisdom, music and handicrafts.

Visits are arranged for students to other Ukrainian Sunday schools. The children take part in the festivals ‘Ukrainian Flowers’ in Tallinn, ‘Sorotšinskaja Jarmarka’ in Maardu and ‘Baltic Stars’ in Rīga/Stockholm and attend the “Lesya’s Song” literary and music evening (dedicated to Ukrainian poet Lesya Ukrainka) in Tartu. The students and teachers from the school organise Ukrainian days and literary and music evenings in which there is a lot of interest and which attract large audiences.