We welcome beneficiaries of international protection to Estonian language courses at levels A1, A2, and B1. The courses will start this spring and autumn as part of the national adaptation programme. Those interested can register for the courses online from 2 April.
This year, we are going to offering the opportunity to learn Estonian at levels A1, A2, and B1 to a total of 580 beneficiaries of international protection within the framework of the national adaptation programme Settle in Estonia. First part of beneficiaries can start their studies in April: 60 people are expected to attend courses at level A1, 20 at level A2 and a further 20 at level B1. The rest of the courses will start this autumn.
The A1 level courses can be taken online and in Tallinn. A2 and B1 level courses can be taken online. Those who are interested can choose a suitable course by the starting date and the learning format.
The courses are conducted by Tartu Rahvaülikool which was revealed as a partner during the public procurement. These, like other trainings of the adaptation programme for beneficiaries of international protection, are co-financed from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and state budget funds.
Please find more information and register by logging into your adaptation programme account on the website www.settleinestonia.ee.
Consider before registering:
> It is compulsory for beneficiaries of international protection to complete Estonian language courses at level A1, A2, and B1.
> The average duration of a course at A1 level is 4 months, 6 months at A2 level, and 8 months at B1 level.
> Language learning takes place in Estonian.
> At each level, you can take the Estonian language course only once. You must attend more than 80% of the total hours of the course and pass the final exams, after which you will receive a certificate of successful completion.
> If you have received a letter of referral from the Police and Border Guard Board and have already completed a suitable Estonian language course at level A1, A2, or B1 with another teacher, you do not need to attend the language course again. In this case, please send the proof of completion of the language course to [email protected].
> If you have already completed an A1 or A2 level Estonian language course with another teacher or if you have passed the A2 level language exam and wish to continue studying Estonian in Settle in Estonia language courses, you can provide us with a certificate of previous language learning. In this case, please send the proof of completion of the language course to [email protected].
> Any questions should be addressed to [email protected].
For beneficiaries of temporary protection:
We also intend to offer the possibility to continue Estonian language studies to beneficiaries of temporary protection. To be exact, we will open registration for A2 (for 1,700 beneficiaries in total) and B1courses (for 600 beneficiaries in total) at the end of April or in May. We will publish more information on our website and on the social media page of the adaptation programme.