Rules for registering and participating in language courses

When assembling language study groups, courses are offered first to those who continue their previous studies and then to people who have completed counselling and to other applicants on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.      

Rules for registering

  • The registration is possible for adults starting at the age of 18.
  • The residents of Estonia, who have personal identification code of Estonia can register for the courses. To do this, please log in to the self-service environment of the Integration Foundation.
  • NB! For the registration you will need:

  • We are sorry, but our self-service is not available for the Internet Explorer web browser. Please use another browser (e.g. Google Chrome).
  • Create an account in the self-service. All fields must be filled in. Make sure to include your email address and phone number.
  • Choose a course that meets your expectations in terms of the language level, the time and location of the course, and the teacher or language school. You can filter courses by city or level.
  • If you register for the course, you will receive an automatic email with the course information, including the level of the course, the start date, the location, and the name of the teacher. Using the information in the email allows you to go to the location of the course at the right time or to get more information. This is why it is important to make sure that the email address is entered correctly before submitting the registration form.
  • If you have already taken this course before, then you will get a notification and you will have to choose a new course, as you can only register for and take a language course once.


Registered for a course? Keep the following in mind:

  • The Integration Foundation sends the trainers running the courses lists of those who have registered for them.
  • Within a week after registering, the organiser of the language course will contact you by email with more (detailed) information about the course (the start and test times).
  • On the first day of the course, the participant must register on the registration form right at the beginning of the session and, if necessary, fill in a statistical questionnaire.
  • The teacher checks the language skills of the learner before the start of the course and at the end of the course with a follow-up test so that the learner could learn successfully and effectively in the selected group.
  • If the course at the level you have chosen does not match your actual language level, you will be automatically dropped from the group. New courses will commence six months later (in January/February or August/September).
  • The schedules for courses are compiled by the trainers in cooperation with the Integration Foundation and cannot be amended during the study period.
  • Groups commence studies once a sufficient number of participants have been found (the minimum being 16 people per group).
  • Registration is open for courses at the A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 levels.
  • As a rule, all courses start within one month of registration closing.
  • Lessons are held in Estonian.
  • Studies last for at least 120 academic hours. Independent studies also need to be undertaken online at Keeletee.
  • Lessons are held 2-4 times per week, each lasting 2-4 academic hours. In the course of studies the teacher creates an environment in which the participants can communicate in Estonian.
  • Courses last for around 3-5 months. At the end of your course you will have to take a test to gauge your language level. If you pass your course, the trainer will issue you with a certificate to that effect or with confirmation that you have completed the course.


Further information is available by calling our free hotline 800 9999 or e-mailing

You can same contacts to register for a free consultation. Our advisors will help you determine your best options for Estonian language studies so that you become an independent learner and language user.