Promotin of the education of the children of migrant workers

information material, newly arrived immigrants
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The second improved and updated edition of the information booklet describing the educational system in Estonia in Estonian, English and Russian is now available. The booklet provides a brief overview of our stages of education, enrolment conditions, forms of study work, etc. The goal is to facilitate an improved understanding of our educational system among newly arrived immigrant parents interested in learning about various educational options for their children. The informational materials have been distributed to educational departments of county and city governments, the Bureau of the Minister of Population Affairs, the Citizenship and Migration Board, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, embassies of the Republic of Estonia abroad and foreign embassies in Estonia. The first edition was published within the framework of the Estonian-Dutch cooperation project (MATRA) “Educational arrangements for children of migrant workers in Estonia.” The publication of both editions was supported by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Centre for Educational Programmes of the Integration Foundation.