Mafia role play night A2+ (Jõhvi) - GROUP FULL

02.11.2023 18:30 - 20:00
Narva eesti keele maja (Jõhvi Kultuuri- ja Huvikeskus (Pargi 40, Jõhvi))
  • Language level required: A2+
  • Location: Narva eesti keele maja Jõhvi Kultuuri- ja Huvikeskus (Pargi 40, Jõhvi)
  • Time: 02.11.2023 kell 18:30 - 20:00
  • Format: Language Practice

Date of opening registration:
19.10.2023 14:00
Mafia is a well-known party game that requires at least seven people, a deck of cards, and a quiet room where everyone can sit and see each other. There are two sides in the game – the villagers and the mafia. The goal of the mafia is to kill enough people to gain a majority over the other side, and everyone else’s goal is to figure out who the mafia is and kill them. The game is led by a game master, who is not one of the participants. The course of the game is divided into two parts: night and day. The mafia, the police, and the doctors operate by night, and during the day everyone has to vote on who will be executed on suspicion of mafia involvement, as a result of debate and defence.
The game is simple and requires no special preparation or prior practice. The game of Mafia requires attention, logic, and people skills. Come to an enjoyable evening in a relaxed atmosphere to communicate in Estonian.


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: