The Language Learning Contract campaign brought in new applications

Kodanikulepingu kampaania The information campaign carried out by the Integration Foundation in October was especially successful this year due to increased active interest and resulted in a larger number of applications to sign a Language Learning Contract than usual.

As of 2019, the state offers free Estonian language lessons for people who wish to become Estonian citizens. In the programme, it is possible to learn the Estonian language until passing the level B1 exam. In addition, the state compensates up to 20 days of unpaid study leave, which allows you to devote yourself to language learning and, for example, prepare more thoroughly for language level exams. Read more about the programme and the conditions for language learning here. To date, more than a thousand people have started language studies, and around 300 of them have received an Estonian citizenship.

In October, the Integration Foundation carried out a campaign to raise awareness of and introduce the programme. The state has introduced the programme on a wider scale every year, but this year, people’s interest has increased, and the foundation has received over 800 new applications in one month. We had to bring in additional in-house staff to offer counsel to such a large number of applicants. To begin language learning, a contract must be signed with the state so the language learning journey can begin in the new year. In addition to language learning, we also offer a preparatory course for the exam on the Citizenship Act and the Constitution, as well as advice and support in the process of becoming an Estonian citizen. It is possible to become an Estonian citizen in just six steps.