4 September 2021, 10:00-15:00
TalTech Virumaa College (Järveküla tee 75, Kohtla-Järve)

18 September 2021, 10:00-16:00
Tallinn Song Festival Grounds (Narva mnt 95, Tallinn)

The fair will be live-streamed on Facebook page of Integration Foundation for anyone interested to watch online.

The aim of the Estonian Language Fair is to introduce the possibilities of learning Estonian.

On KU-КУ you have the opportunity to:

  • find yourself a suitable form of language learning;
  • get to know the latest learning materials;
  • play language learning games;
  • get advice on how to prepare for the language exam;
  • get familiar with the language immersion methodology;
  • participate in language café and participate in workshops that introduce differences in language learning methodologies, teach you to choose a methodology based on your needs, and use the surrounding tools and opportunities on a daily basis.

Adults with different Estonian language skills and different language learning needs are welcome to attend the fair.

Every hour, there is a lottery at the fairgrounds, you are invited to visit the café, and fun activities are organized for children. Entertainment at the Tallinn Fair is provided at:
11.00 by the roller skating club “Fox”
12.00 by dance school Agneta
13.00 by singing stuudio „Nupukuesed“
14.00 gypsy dance ensemble AL SOL and
15.00 by acrobats AN2M.

At the Estonian Language Fair in Kohtla-Järve are present:

Integratsiooni Sihtasutus
Integratsiooni Sihtasutuse Narva eesti keele maja
Eesti Töötukassa
Haridus- ja Noorteamet
Kohanemisprogramm Settle in Estonia
Mare Kitsnik
Eesti Keele Instituut
Kirjastus Kirjatark
Kirjastus Argo
Keelemäng „Käänuk“
Multilingua Keelekeskus OÜ
A&E Keeltekool
Algus OÜ
TEA Keeleõpetus AS
Kersti Võlu Koolituskeskus OÜ
OÜ Reiting PR
Eterna Koolituskeskus OÜ
Keeltekool Tarkus
Eesti Rahva Muuseum
TalTech Virumaa kolledž

At the Estonian Language Fair in Tallinn are present:

Integratsiooni Sihtasutus
Integratsiooni Sihtasutuse Tallinna eesti keele maja
Eesti Töötukassa
Haridus- ja Noorteamet
Kohanemisprogramm Settle in Estonia
TEA Keeleõpetus AS
A&E Keeltekool
Multilingua Keelekeskus OÜ
Tartu Rahvaülikool
OÜ Reiting PR
Keeltekool Tarkus
City Keeltekool OÜ
Teel Tippu OÜ
Mare Kitsnik
Kiri-Mari kirjastus
Kirjastus Kirjatark
Kirjastus Argo
Eesti Keele Instituut
Keelemäng „Käänuk“
Eesti Rahva Muuseum
Tallinna Keskraamatukogu

Admission is FREE!

NB! Only people who have been vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19, or presented a negative test result can take part in event.

  • The certificates of all attendants will be checked at the entrance, please bring your identity document with you as well.
  • The certificate can be submitted in both paper and digital form (eg from smartphone)
  • There is no on-site testing available
  • People under the age of 18 do not need to submit the COVID certificate.

The organizers of the fair want to offer a safe experience and thank the participants for their understanding and care.

Additional information:
Free consultation number: 800 9999
Email: info@integratsiooniinfo.ee

Activities are financed via the European Social Fund project ‘Terms and conditions of the provision of support for activities promoting integration in Estonian society’.