JUNE 2018

Employers, take advantage of the opportunity to develop the Estonian language skills of your employees!
Organisers sought for Estonian language courses
First family studies in Võru County completed
Media education projects spark interest in journalism among 200 students
‘We, the Roma’ book published
Ingrian Finns invite everyone to their song and dance festival
Latvian Cultural Days in Estonia

Employers, take advantage of the opportunity to develop the Estonian language skills of your employees!


Employers will be able to apply for training support for the development of the Estonian language skills of their employees from the Unemployment Insurance Fund as of 1 June 2018. There are good options for Estonian language training for everyone, but finding the most suitable one may not prove to be an easy task. Ask the advisers at the Integration Foundation for assistance and they will help you find the language training solutions that best meet your needs.


Our advisers will analyse what your employees expect from Estonian language training. There are so many opportunities for learning today that focusing on the needs and possibilities of each learner makes it possible to avoid mediocre and incomplete solutions. Employers and employees are both interested in learning the language in the most efficient way possible.


Further information about the advisory and information services of the Integration Foundation is available online at https://www.integratsioon.ee/noustamine, or you can call us on 800 9999 or send us an e-mail at info@integratsiooniinfo.ee.


As requested by the employer, the Integration Foundation also offers:

  • adaptation and integration information and counselling for employees on the employer’s premises;
  • after launching the language training for employees, support in the implementation of methodologies and advice on how to support the start and continuation of independent language learning by employees;
  • the option to participate in training consisting of several stages for the implementation of the language café methodology as well as mentoring. Advice and training can be offered to the company’s managers, department heads, HR managers, training managers, language café leaders and others.


The implementation of the support offered to the employer will be financed via the European Social Fund project ‘Terms and conditions of the provision of support for activities promoting integration in Estonian society’.


*The volume of the training must be at least 80 academic hours and the duration of the training may be up to one year. The application for training support must be submitted before the start of the training.


In order to receive the support, the company must have paid the employer’s unemployment insurance contributions in at least two of the three years preceding the submission of the application. The employment contract of the employee (for whose training the support is requested) must be in effect for at least six months after the submission of the application.


The employer can choose in-service training that complies with the Adult Education Act for training their employees, or if suitable training is not being offered on the training market, prepare a suitable training plan with the trainer. 


The training support is used to compensate the employer for the training expenses, the employee’s transport expenses related to participation in training and the employee’s wages at the minimum hourly rate for the time the employee was in training. We cover up to 80% of the total amount of expenses, but no more than 2000 euros per employee.


The detailed terms and conditions of applying for training support can be found on the website of the Unemployment Insurance Fund at https://www.tootukassa.ee/content/tootuse-ennetamine/koolitustoetus-tooandjatele.


You can submit the application for training support in the manner that suits you: via the e-Unemployment Insurance Fund, by sending an e-mail to koolitustoetus@tootukassa.ee, by post or at an office of the Unemployment Insurance Fund.


Organisers sought for Estonian language courses


A public procurement for the organisation of Estonian language courses for less successfully integrated residents of Estonia and new immigrants has been launched.


The aim of the procurement is to enter into four public contracts for the preparation and implementation of Estonian language courses for the aforementioned groups at the A2, B1 and B2 levels from 21 August-21 December 2018. A total of 608 study places will be created as part of the procurement.


The procurement has been divided as follows: Ida-Viru County (Part 1) and Tallinn and/or elsewhere in Estonia (Part 2).


The procurement documents can be found in the e-procurement registry at https://riigihanked.riik.ee/register/hange/197605.


Tenders should be submitted to the registry by 11:00 on 14 June 2018.   


The courses will be financed as part of sub-activity 5.2.1 ‘Integration training’ of activity 5.2 ‘Development and provision of an integration programme’ of European Social Fund project no. 2014-2020.2.06.004005006.01.15-0001 ‘Activities promoting integration in Estonian society’.


For further information please contact: Jana Tondi, Head of Language and Cultural Immersion, telephone: +372 659 9069, e-mail: jana.tondi@integratsioon.ee


First family studies in Võru County completed

A total of 30 students, including 23 from Narva Language Lyceum, one from Narva Pähklimäe Gymnasium, three from Narva Kesklinna Gymnasium and one from Sillamäe Kannuka School, took part in the first (1-10 May), second (13-22 May) and third (24 May to 2 June) family studies in Võru County.

The impressions of the participants in the ‘Spend the School Holidays in Võru County’ project are positive – family student exchanges are a great opportunity to communicate in Estonian and constantly hear Estonian spoken around you. The weather was also great, so the students spent time at Tamula beach and on its promenade after their lessons. The families in Võru County who hosted the students are also happy: “The kids were great and everything went well.”

Elizaveta Tsõganova had the most praise for the great teachers and friendly classmates at Võru Gymnasium. Allan Ivanov also mentioned the helpful students at Võru Gymnasium first and foremost. They also spoke highly of the good living conditions, interesting excursions and tasty food. Anastassia Ivanova agreed with them – she also thinks the lunches at Võru Gymnasium were good.


Maivi Liiskmann, Project Manager with the NPO Volonta, the organiser of the family studies, said that the positive comments of the participants are the best advertisement for the project. “They also encourage their classmates to come to Võru County for 10 days to practise their Estonian and take part in joint initiatives,” she said.


Jana Tondi, the Head of Language and Cultural Immersion with the Integration Foundation, says the organisers really make an effort to make learning Estonian language and culture in Estonian families a success. “The satisfaction of the students and their parents with the family studies is of primary importance, but the selection of the cultural programme, free-time opportunities and, of course, food are no less important,” she said.


The Integration Foundation is supporting the participation of 204 young people in family studies this summer.


Media education projects spark interest in journalism among 200 students


How do you get the light just right when taking photos and making videos? What do you need in order to write a script that really grabs people? How can you use design programmes? These and other media skills were taught to almost 200 students from general and vocational education institutions from January to May.

  • The 19 students who took part in the Ida-Viru County Vocational Education Centre project gained practical skills in using editing equipment and what it takes to make a corporate video. Lighting and script-writing proved the most interesting aspects for the students. As part of the project they worked with the Baltic Film and Media School at Tallinn University.


  • Students from 15 upper secondary schools in Tallinn contributed to the project of the NPO Lasnamäe Hobby School with the aim of making people’s use of social media more informed and analysing various sources of information. They were taught how to take high-quality photos using their mobile phones and given practical skills for processing them. An exhibition was put together of the photos the students took.


  • The Tapa Secondary School project ‘Real Life in School Media’ encouraged students to take an active and responsible role in society. First the students were given an in-depth overview of the technical side of making a television programme and of journalistic writing, with study trips to ERR (Estonia’s national broadcaster) and consultations with media professionals assisting them in this regard. As a result of the project, 20 of the students worked together to produce a live programme on their school’s Facebook page.


  • A total of 20 youngsters from Valga Gymnasium with an interest in the media learned how to put together advertising posters using design programmes. They also visited the Baltic Film and Media School at Tallinn University and a number of editorial boards.
  • The project run by the NPO VVS Media Group saw 30 Estonian- and Russian-speaking students from Tallinn schools learn how to find important information, critically assess it and become able, through the media, to have their say in public debate. Alongside lectures on theoretical aspects, the students took part in practical video and creative lessons, made films and produced texts and interviews for a television programme.


  • Students from Mustamäe Secondary School of Science in Tallinn, led by Arvo Iho, learned how to broaden their minds. To do this you have to be open to a variety of media sources: you should watch documentaries and programmes produced by the world’s leading media agencies. A total of 30 students worked together to make video clips about social problems such as school bullying, the value of work and money and smartphone addiction.


  • The NPO ‘Tuulemaa’ Education and Culture Society organised a photographic exhibition about the day-to-day life of the Waldorf School to mark the 100th anniversary of Waldorf education. Preparation of the exhibition involved training the students (on what makes a good photo, what they should bear in mind when taking photographs and how to process photos once taken) and organising communication related to the event. The students became familiar with various media channels and genres through which to talk about their project.


  • A group of 22 students from Tallinn School of Service participated in a media camp to develop their skills in written self-expression. The youngsters were taught the basics of penning news stories, opinion pieces and interview texts. They then used these skills to write about the Teko Championships. There were also workshops on creating news using pictures.

The media education projects were financed by the Ministry of Education and Research to a total value of 17,000 euros.

The goal of the projects was to raise the participants’ awareness of how diverse media work can be and to give them an overview of editorial environments and career opportunities in the media. The youngsters who took part in the projects now have a better grasp of the value of news and of the fact that one and the same piece of information can have a range of interpretations.



‘We, the Roma’ book published


The presentation of the documentary photo book ‘We, the Roma’ took place on 29 May. The authors of the book are photo artist Annika Haas and children of the Roma community throughout Estonia.


Estonia is home to almost 200 different nationalities and the Roma have been living among Estonians for four centuries. Stereotypes and negative opinions about the Roma are widespread, but is it fair to criticise them without having any deeper knowledge or understanding of these people?


Haas has been recording the lives of Estonian Roma people for almost 10 years. The photographer gave small cameras to the Roma, and over a period of two years they took photos of everything that makes up their lives and is important to them. Representatives of the community’s younger generation from Valga, Tartu, Varstu, Maardu, Kohila, Tapa, Kallaste and Paldiski took part in the project.

In addition to the photos taken by the children and Haas, the book features a part consisting of the personal archive of a Roma family from the 1960s to the 1990s, which adds a valuable visual anthropological nuance to the book. The book is bilingual – in Estonian and English.


Many people and organisations helped to get the book published, incl. the Integration Foundation.



Ingrian Finns invite everyone to their song and dance festival


The Estonian Union of Ingrian Finns is organising a song and dance festival starting at 13:30 on 16 June at the song grounds in Iisaku.


The tradition of Ingrian Finn song and dance festivals in the country dates back to Elva in 1991. Since then, 27 festivals have been held in different towns and cities in Estonia. This year’s festival is being held in Iisaku so as to promote the culture of the Ingrian Finns among the residents of Ida-Viru County. There will be almost 400 performers in total: Ingrian Finns and Izhorians from Estonia, Finland and Russia as well as local Estonian folklore groups from Alutaguse municipality.


The event is being financed via the National Minority Cultural Association project competition from the budget of the Ministry of Culture.


For further information please contact: Maire Petrova, Chairwoman of the Management Board of the Estonian Union of Ingrian Finns, mobile: +372 52 60 394, e-mail: maire2008@gmail.com


Latvian Cultural Days in Estonia


The ‘Latvia 100’ Cultural Days in Estonia will be held in Tallinn on 9 & 10 June as part of our southern neighbour’s centenary celebrations. 


9 June | Maarjamäe Castle park (Pirita tee 56)

  • The opening event of the Cultural Days will be the Estonian premiere of the family film ‘Grandpa More Dangerous Than Computer’. In Latvia the film broke records, becoming the most-watched family film of the last five years.
  • Concerts will be given by folklore groups, dance troupes and other performers.
  • A fair showcasing Latvian delicacies, design and handicrafts will be open all day.
  • Shining the spotlight on Latvian design will be the store M50 and others.
  • Handicraft workshops will be running throughout the day.
  • Refreshment will be provided by Valmiermuiža beer and Latvia’s own ice cream Gogelmogel.
  • Traditional Latvian food will be prepared by famous Latvian housewife Ilze Briede.
  • You can try true Latvian bread, pastries and midsummer cheese.


10 June | Masters’ Courtyard (Vene 6)

  • Fair showcasing Latvian delicacies, design and handicrafts, plus concerts


For more information on the programme see https://www.facebook.com/lkpeL100/.


For further information please contact: Laura Šmideberga, Association of Latvian National Culture in Estonia, e-mail: laura.shmideberga@gmail.com, mobile: +372 5451 1595