Interested in Estonian language studies are welcome to briefings

We welcome all those interested in learning Estonian language who do not register for free courses at A2 - С1 level to take part in briefings introducing other free study opportunities.

Briefings take place:

  • Tallinn Estonian Language House, Rävala pst 5, 6th floor:
    • 27 August at 17.30
    • 30 August at 9:00
  • Narva Estonian Language House at Kerese 3, 2nd floor:
    • 27 August at 17.30
    • 30 August at 9:00

In briefings we introduce other free Estonian language learning opportunities:

  • The Estonian Language Houses of the Integration Foundation in Tallinn and Narva offer a variety of exciting and interactive language learning opportunities, such as movie and discussion evenings, play quizzes and workshops, language encounters.
  • Several other institutions, such as the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund and the Academy of Security Sciences, also provide courses in Estonian.

We conduct briefings in Estonian, English and Russian.

Please register by calling 800 9999 or sending your request and contact information (first and last name, telephone number, e-mail address and place, date and time of the suitable briefing) to at least one day before briefing.

If the dates listed above do not suit you, we recommend that you sign up for personal consultation by calling 800 9999.

Information about next briefings and other events which support Estonian language learning is provided on the homepage of the Integration Foundation and on the Facebook accounts of the Foundation and the Estonian Language House.