Integration Calendar - August 2007



In-service training of teachers of Estonian as a second language

From 14 to 17 August a summer school of teachers of Estonian as a second language of Russian-language general and vocational education schools will take place in Vihula. The training will cover multiple topics, including cross-cultural differences, the usage of pictures in language studies, latest reforms in the Estonian language, etc. About 40 teachers will take part in the summer school.

Further information: Tiina Kuurmaa, Centre for Educational Programs.


In-service training of the Sunday-school teachers of national cultural societies

From 31 August to 2 September a training session “Presentation Skills as a Key to Successful Teaching, Part 2” for the Sunday-school teachers of national cultural societies will be held in Ruhnu. The first part of the training took place in Saaremaa in May. The training will be carried out by Inscape Baltic OÜ, about 15 teachers will participate.

Further information: Evelin Müüripeal, Centre for Educational Programs.  


In-service training of class teachers

From 21 to 23 August the 3rd module of the in-service training of the class teachers of the Estonian language general education schools who deal with the newly arrived immigrant pupils will take place. The training that consists of 6 study sessions will be carried out by the University of Tartu, 25 teachers will attend the training course.

Further information: Külli Vollmer, Centre for Educational Programs.  

Training of the advisers of the Language Immersion Program

From 13 to 14 August the six-day training of the advisers of the Language Immersion Program “Counselling that Supports the Professional Development of Teachers” will be launched. 48 potential advisers of the Language Immersion Program in three groups will participate in the training that was ordered by the Non-Estonians Integration Foundation (Integration Foundation). The 1st training module for the first group will take place at Mõdriku Manor in Lääne-Virumaa. The training session will be carried out by Ene Kulasalu and Ene Velström who are trainers of the Open Mind Institute.

Further information: Marju Randlepp, Language Immersion Centre.



Language immersion methods training for kindergarten teachers

From 15 to 17 August a training course of language immersion methods will be held in Tallinn for new kindergarten teachers who will start working with 5-year-olds in language immersion groups this September. The training will be carried out in accordance with the study program of language immersion methods and it will last for 80 hours. The training course consists of 4 sessions; this session is the second one. The training will be carried out by the trainers of the Language Immersion Centre Hedi Minlibajeva, Angelika Lall, Ene Kurme and Nonna Meltsas.

Further information: Svetlana Belova, Language Immersion Centre.

Language immersion methods training for teachers

From 15 to 17 August a training course of language immersion methods for the teachers of the 2nd and 3rd stages of study will be carried out at the Eisma Training Centre. 32 immersion teachers will take part in the training. The training will be carried out in accordance with the study program of language immersion methods and it will last for 80 hours. The training course consists of four modules; this module will be the fourth one. The training will be carried out by the trainers of the Language Immersion Centre Anne Kloren, Liina Norit and Anna Sele.
From 21 to 22 August a training course of language immersion methods for the teachers of the 1st stage of study will be carried out in Tallinn. 22 immersion teachers will take part in the training. The training will be carried out in accordance with the study program of language immersion methods and it will last for 80 hours. The training consists of four modules; this module will be the first one. The training will be carried out by the trainers of the Language Immersion Centre Liina Norit and Anna Sele.
From 23 to 24 August a training course of language immersion methods for the teachers of the 2nd and 3rd stage of study will be carried out in Tallinn. 30 immersion teachers will take part in the training. The training will be carried out in accordance with the study program of language immersion methods and it will last for 80 hours. The training consists of four modules; this module will be the second one. The training will be carried out by the trainers of the Language Immersion Centre Anne Kloren, Viktoria Belitshev and Katre Jürgenson.

Further information: Maire Kebbinau, Language Immersion Centre.



The aim of the procurement is to foster the integration of non-Estonians who are unemployed to the labour market. To meet the objective, training of searching for work, vocational guidance and psychological counselling will be organised in Tallinn, Narva and Jõhvi.

The deadline for submitting tenders is 17 August, 2007 at 4 pm.

The aim of the procurement is to foster the integration of non-Estonians who are unemployed to the labour market. To meet the objective, the study of the Estonian language that would lead to a certificate of achievement will be organised in Tallinn, Narva and Jõhvi.

The deadline of submitting the tenders is 3 September, 2007 at 11 am.


The aim of the procurement is to compile teaching materials on Estonian history for the higher general education stage of Russian-language schools.

The deadline for submitting the tenders is 9 August, 2007 at 11 am.

The aim of the procurement is to organise briefing activities of the transition to bilingual teaching and its nature to target groups.

The deadline for submitting the tenders is 22 August, 2007 at 11 am.

Project competitions


The aim of the competition is to support the preservation of the culture and language of ethnic minorities through the activities of national cultural societies and arts groups.

The deadline for submitting applications is 19 September, 2007 at 4 pm.


The aim of the applications to be submitted to the competition should be to support integration activities that meet the objectives of the program “Integration in Estonian Society 2000-2007” and the Articles of the Non-Estonians Integration Foundation.

The deadline for submitting applications is 2 October, 2007 at 4 pm.




Support to subject teaching in Estonian

15 projects will get support in the frames of the two competitions, including 15 Russian-language schools in Ida Virumaa and 2 Russian-language schools in Tallinn. The aim of the competition is to support subject teaching in Estonian in Russian-language schools.

The projects will cover the teaching of Estonian literature, social studies, human studies, music, history and geography in the Estonian language in basic schools. In addition various field trips and visits to museums as well as teachers and pupils exchange project will be carried out. The overall value of the support is 969,014 kroons.

Further information: Evelin Müüripeal, Centre for Educational Programs.

Summer-school of the Parents Association of the Language Immersion Program (PALIP)

From 19 to 21 July the summer-school of the Parents Association of the Language Immersion Program (PALIP) was held in Remniku. The aim of the parents’ summer school was to introduce the objectives of the education system in Estonia in a longer perspective and to develop the regional activities of parents’ network. Over a hundred participants attended the school; half of them were children who were looked after by 5 teachers while their parents were busy with their studies.
The participants thought the overviews of the problems of the Russian-language schools in Estonia by the Ministry of Education and Research very useful, a lecture on the civil society caused vivid discussion. The group-work focused on discussing the tasks of the coming school-year and the needs and opportunities of supporting the Language Immersion Program.

PALIP is grateful to the Gambling Tax Council for their support to the organisation of the summer-school. The smooth running of the summer-school’s three-day program was taken care of by the Centre of Training Activities.

Further information: Svetlana Belova, Centre of Language Immersion.

Free training to continue

Free preparatory courses for taking the exam on the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia and the Citizenship Act will continue in the framework of the EU transitional support project “Support for the Integration of Stateless Persons in Estonia.”

Regardless of the summer and vacation period, people can currently take part in the courses as well. The applicants are invited to register to the courses by calling 800 9999 toll-free, it is also a contact number for additional information on the courses. There is an information site in Estonian and Russian at that provides information on the courses as well as on the citizenship application procedure, in addition the site offers study materials.

You can read about the positive experience of two people who have successfully taken the course and the exam on the Constitution and the Citizenship Act in the 27 July issue of Den Za Dnjom.

Further information: Liina Kirsipuu, Transition Facility PO Support Unit.

The exams information system to be improved

An agreement on updating the information system of the exams of the National Examination and Qualification Centre has been closed in the framework of the EU transitional support project “The Support for the Implementation of the Integration Program and Improvement of the Capacities of Institutions Related to Integration.”

In the frames of the procurement, the Ministry of Finance closed a contract with Netgroup OÜ on 29 July, 2007. Under the terms of the contract, new equipment will be supplied and new technological solutions will be developed to reinforce the systems of taking the exams on the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, the Citizenship Act as well as the Estonian language at the National Examination and Qualification Centre.

Further information: Inna Pusikova, Transition Facility PO Support Unit.