Estonian-language teachers from Ida-Viru County to take part in Merle Karusoo’s play ‘Who Am I?’

Narva Vaba Lava

Renowned Estonian director and playwright Merle Karusoo, in cooperation with the Integration Foundation and the Vaba Lava theatre in Narva, is staging a unique play called ‘Who Am I?’ that brings together the stories of Estonian-language teachers from Ida-Viru County and throws open the doors of the world of teaching.

The project gained its name more than 20 years ago when Karusoo was working with children in the region to help them understand where they were from and how their parents and grandparents ended up in Estonia. Now the avid collector of biographies has brought together the real-life stories of teachers in the county. “It’s not easy being a teacher of Estonian,” she says. “I knew that already. But now I know more about the people who are doing this important work – important to the country as a whole. And now you’ll have the chance to get to know them as well.”

The aim of the project is to make people aware of their roots and the choices they make in life: for them to get to know themselves. It also focuses on the specific problems the participants face in their profession. Karusoo got together with the teachers and prompted them to share their life experiences, warts and all. Teachers from the Estonian Language Centre in Narva are also taking part in the project.

‘Who Am I?’ is set to premiere in the studio hall of the Vaba Lava theatre in Narva at 19:00 on 5 November 2021.
Directed and scripted by Merle Karusoo, the play will feature teachers Irina Bahramova, Martin Tikk, Mari-Mall Feldschmidt, Margit Sibul, Krismar Rosin, Inguna Joandi, Anne Meldre and Angelika Soomets.

The number of places is limited. Register here:

Health safety. In organising language courses, Estonian Language Houses are guided by the current requirements put in place to stop the spread of coronavirus. Only people who present the certificate to prove that they are vaccinated or have been recovered from COVID-19 can take part in events. The COVID certificates of all attendants will be checked at the entrance, please bring your identity document with you as well. The certificate can be submitted in both paper and digital form (eg from smartphone).