Estonian language house

The Estonian Language House of the Integration Foundation provides a supportive Estonian-language environment for language-learners, where you can learn and practise the language, get comfortable speaking, and broaden your horizons.

The Estonian language house in tallinn

The Estonian Language House in Tallinn was also established in 2018 and it is conveniently located in the centre of the city. The Tallinn language house coordinates learning Estonian among adults in Tallinn as well as in Harju and Pärnu County.


The Estonian Language House in Narva

The Estonian Language House in Narva was established in 2018 and shares a building with the Narva Vaba Lava theatre. The Narva language house coordinates learning Estonian among adults in Narva and the rest of Ida-Viru County.


The language houses offer the following:

Advisory services

Advisory servicesAdvisors will help you find the most suitable way to learn Estonian for free, taking into consideration the intensity of language-learning that fits you as well as your schedule. Advice is provided through phone calls, face-to-face meetings, or video meetings. You will receive assistance from professional advisors in English, Russian, or Estonian.

To book a time for a consultation, please call the free number 800 9999 (outside Estonia +372 6599025) or write to

Courses for language of communication

The course is intended for adults who wish to develop their Estonian skills for work, family, or Estonian citizenship purposes. The language courses take place twice a year, starting in September and January/February. You can start your studies for levels A1–C1 in face-to-face courses as well as online.

The language courses with a volume of 120 academic hours begin in Tallinn in September and February. For the autumn courses, we provide the opportunity to our learners to take a Christmas break to spend the holidays with their family either in Estonia or their country of origin. In Narva, the courses run from September to January and from January to June. Student places in the language houses and our partner schools are usually open for public registration.

Professionals who teach Estonian to adults will support the development of your language skills. In our language houses, Estonian language and culture is primarily taught to achieve proficiency in the basic language of communication, and studies take place in Estonian from the start. The teaching is based on the best practice for teaching adults of the Integration Foundation.

More information about the length of the language courses, the organisation of studies, and successful completion of the courses is available in the language-learner’s handbook, which is given to all students at the beginning of the course. Our teachers use the following books: E nagu Eesti, K nagu Kihnu, Naljaga pooleks, and Tere!, Tere jälle!, and Tere taas!.

For more information on the language courses, see here:

Special courses

In addition to regular language lessons, the language houses provide the opportunity of taking part in special courses to hone your Estonian skills through contact learning or online.

These special courses with a volume of 40–80 academic hours develop certain special skills: writing, listening, pronunciation, or communication. In addition, these courses foster communication to help break down the language barrier.

Events for practising Estonian

Events for practising EstonianThe language houses also organise cultural activities to support practising the Estonian language – hobby activities, communication clubs, language camps, and various outings and day trips to discover the Estonian nature, cultural sites, and history.

Various ways to practise your language of communication are provided to all language levels all over Estonia. Events take place online, in various physical locations (Jõhvi, Kohtla-Järve, Narva, Pärnu, Sindi, Tallinn), as well as in the form of day trips.

We recommend taking part in such events regularly: this way, you can practise your Estonian, get to know the Estonian cultural space, and find new and wonderful friends. You can learn more about the events and register to take part through our events calendar.


All of the possibilities for learning Estonian provided by the Integration Foundation are available here:


Stay up to date with your options or ask for more information:



Contact information of employees

The Advisory Committee of the Estonian Language House in Tallinn


The Facebook page of the Estonian Language House in Narva

Contact information of employees

The Advisory Committee of the Estonian Language House in Narva

Estonian language house in Tallinn
+372 6599 022
Rävala 5 (6nd floor), Tallinn 10143Asukoht kaardil
Mo-Th 09:00-17:00, Fr 09:00-16:00

Estonian language house in Narva
+372 6599 030
Linda 2, 20309 NarvaAsukoht kaardil
Mo-Th 09:00-17:00, Fr 09:00-16:00