Cooking club (Tallinn)

01.12.2022 17:30 - 20:30
Estonia pst. 5A, Tallinn

We’ll cook together, sharing skills, tips and recipes, then set the table, sit down and enjoy the food we’ve made.

At the end of each class we’ll summarise what we’ve learnt in Estonian in terms of both new words and about cooking itself. We’ll discuss what we found difficult and what exciting new discoveries we made.

The classes will be all about socialising, which will take place entirely in Estonian.

This year, the cooking classes are only open to relative beginners. Participation is on the basis of proof of vaccination. Each class will be limited to 10 participants.

Participants should bring their own aprons.

  • Language level: A2+
  • Time: 03.11 from 17.30-20.30
  • Location: Estonia pst 5a, Tallinn (Tallinna Rahvaülikool, entrance from the courtyard)
  • No of participants: 10

Contact person: Mari Taalmann and Eerika Ossaar
Registration: (17.11 at 9.00)

NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: