CHURCH FRIDAY – St. Mary’s Cathedral (Toomkirik) B1+ (Tallinn)

20.10.2023 14:00 - 15:30
Tallinna eesti keele maja (Tallinna toomkirik (Toom-Kooli 6, Tallinn))
  • Language level required: B1+
  • Location: Tallinna eesti keele maja Tallinna toomkirik (Toom-Kooli 6, Tallinn)
  • Time: 20.10.2023 kell 14:00 - 15:30
  • Format: Language Practice

Church Friday is a series of events which support teaching Estonian to adults whose first language is not Estonian. In the course of the series, we will visit the churches of Tallinn to learn about their history, listen to interesting stories, and speak in Estonian.
During the series, participants will visit various churches in Tallinn (such as the Tallinn Dominican Monastery and the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, St. Mary’s Cathedral (Toomkirik), St. Michael’s (Rootsi-Mihkli) Church, St. Nicholas’ Church) once a month, including a guided tour. The tours are in Estonian. After the tour, the participants can explore the churches on their own. Church Friday takes place once a month on Fridays: 20 October, 17 November, and 15 December.

Toomkirik (St. Mary’s Cathedral) was first mentioned in written records in 1219. The cathedral holds the largest collection of gravestones, epitaphs, sarcophagi, grave monuments, and epitaph coats of arms in Estonia from between the thirteenth and the eighteenth centuries. The most famous persons buried in the cathedral are Swedish Commander Pontus De la Gardie and his wife; Sophia Gyllenhielm, daughter of the King John III of Sweden; Admiral Samuel Greig; and Admiral Adam Johann von Krusenstern, who led the first Russian circumnavigation. The pulpit and the altar are the works of one of the most well-known Estonian wood carvers, Christian Ackermann.

One tour lasts up to 1.5 hours. The size of the group is 15–25 people.
Participants can practise listening (listening to the guide) and speaking in Estonian (asking questions from the guide), as well as increase their cultural and historical awareness in Estonian.
Organiser: Inna Arno (


NB! You can register for the events through the Integration Foundation's self-service, which you can enter using an ID card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. Please see the user guide: